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Stahly live blade heads - anyone use them?

I had never shaved with them, but I know that the late Cooncat Bob was a big fan of them. I managed to locate a BRW with a Stahly head and found the shave to be efficient but different. The razor wasn't as intuitive as some of my other razors and it took a bit of maneuvering to find the correct angle, but once I did the shave was every bit efficient as my Barbasol Floating Heads. I looked on the ShaveWiki to try and learn some information about the head, such as blade gap, but couldn't find any.

Do any of you have any information on the heads, and do you also use them? If so, was finding the correct angle also intuitive or was there a bit of a learning curve for you as well?
Hi, Oscar. I have a Stahly, but have only shaved with it once so far, with the stock handle (I didn't wind it up, though).


The shave was a pretty good one-- although the razor would be more maneuverable with an aftermarket handle-- and I don't recall there being anything particularly different from other DEs with respect to the blade angle.

Sorry I can't help with your other questions, but I'm pretty sure some of the experts around here will weigh in and you'll get some helpful information. Enjoy your razor!
I like the Stahly head and found it similar in shave to my Gillette Tech but I ended up preferring the sleekness of the Tech over the Stahly, YMMV. The Stahly is definitely cooler in terms of design.
Thanks Jim and Erik. Erik, you found the shave to be similar as a Gillette Tech? Hmm, I think that's interesting as I found it a good deal more aggressive and efficient than a tech.
I went on a Stahly kick, after discovering them. I've used the Stahly head on a Tradere handle, with good results. In all honesty, I prefer the head with the OEM vibrating body. Obviously, the gadget factor is high, and I don't think most folks using SEs will find the head overly impressive, but it is a viable alternative to the Gillette-laden DE group. The angle was intuitive for me, but, as always, ymmv.
I also have used the Stahly head on a variety of handles. I find it to be a unique and smooth head. Not my fav, but a welcome addition to the rotation. Great on and Ikon handle.
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