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Srad is really hurting

Yes another new addition to the family one dubl duck goldedge with a bit of hone wear apart from that she's lovely, im assuming from the silly prices they fetch that they shave very good?


I 'might' have another razor on the way soon as i recieve the email i'll post it up.

After those two that'll be it for a while, unless a cheap henckels or boker should make a showing. :wink2:
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I was watching that one....she is lovely!

Held off after seeing the "toe heavy honing" and "nibble in the middle", sounds like there's quite a bit of honing in your future :lol:
I was watching that one....she is lovely!

Held off after seeing the "toe heavy honing" and "nibble in the middle", sounds like there's quite a bit of honing in your future :lol:

I'll take it easy on the honing just to see what happens to the toe, shouldn't be bad id imagine, the nibble is nothing a few laps on a 1k should sort that out.

You seen the other goldedge the price on that is just plain silly, don't people learn.
Yeah i can see genco going the way of the filarmonica, all i read on them was how they shaved like a dream and what with those cracked ice scales i just had to have one.

The dubl duck is more to try one to see what the fuss is about.
Just got my dubl duck in and spent the last two hours fixing the thing, it's by no means bad but whoever honed it should be shot, the nibble was nothing it's the toe heavy hone wear but worse very little at the heel making quite a bit of honing necessary.

Anyway i've just finished getting it to a point im happy with, still misses the tip a bit on the hone but no big deal it'll get there on the next hone by my reckoning.

She holds a superb edge, incredibly easy to hone i could quite happily shave off the coti stone i can see why folk love these razors i really can't wait to shave.

I will have to buy me another goldedge in the future albeit one with better wear apart from that im very happy.
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