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Speick splash or balm?

Hello all!

As I'm making soon an order at 1barber.be shop, I am interested in the Speick aftershaves.
I have no real preference, as I use splash and balm type AS.

So if you you had to choose, which one would you select and why?

Thanks in advance!
I like both. The splash is definitely a more summery-citrusy A/S, whereas I find the balm can be used during spring/fall too. The splash is light and refreshing whereas the balm has a more healing, restoring feel to it. They are both good...
I like both. The splash is definitely a more summery-citrusy A/S, whereas I find the balm can be used during spring/fall too. The splash is light and refreshing whereas the balm has a more healing, restoring feel to it. They are both good...

agree with Catalain
I have rather dry skin, so I use the balm after the splash. Works great for me!

Caveat: There are two Speick balms, the one I mean is the 'sensitive' one:


Unlike the standard balm, it isn't oily at all and has a wonderful, fresh scent.
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