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Speedway Double Edged Blade Display


Found in a box. Does anyone have any history on this item? Its scarcity? Its worth?

thanks, Mark
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Nice score on the full store display card.

I "believe" that the Speedway brand name faded out around the time WWII started and never came back. Someone else with a better knowledge of older products will stop in to fill in the gaps I am sure
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Don't have any information on Speedway blades but Turtle is probably correct timing wise by looking at the graphics. Very nice display and very unusual to see the entire store display card with 100 blades still intact. See these all the time in individual blades and packs on eBay but not this display. Good luck with finding out more about these.
I did find some info on the International Razor Corporation including a legal action brought by American Safety Razor against them in the 1930's

The last info I could find was a stock certificate dated 1951 so it appears they survived the war but not much longer than that.
Rare or not, a complete, vintage display such as that is awesome! Love the old graphics. I'd find a way to frame that somehow and display it.
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