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Speed is a killer

Hey all,

So I have been stropping with the same strop for a few months now. I seem to have damaged it quite a bit and now I notice that i feel a slight bump when running my razor along it in most areas. There is some leather missing. I have attached a photo to show the damage. Is there any way to fix this? I say how to resort an old but I have yet to find one on how to remove nicks. Is it possible to remove them?

Thanks guys!




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Sanding is the only way to remove them. If the nick is too deep, you could glue the strop and sand to be sure the razor won't catch on the leather.
I have fixed my strop less than a dozen times with 180grit sandpaper..barely if hardly noticeable marks that interfere with nothing :)
Do I have to sand down the whole strop to the deepest cut level then recondition or do I just sand the spot to make it smooth?
I think everybody will get a nick at least once in a while. More so earlier on, but even now if I am not paying attention it is possible. Just hit the spot with a bit of sandpaper. I use 220 then go finer. Finish with just the tiniest dab of leather dressing. On a latigo the mark will nearly disappear.
I would sand down each "spot" with 180grit then rub the whole strop with the palm of your hand..oils in your palm will help greatly..
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