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Source for thin stock Gaboon Ebony?

Check for local luthiers. Its a high quality tonewood, so any guitar or instrument makers should have it. They may have a small plank that they can rip for you. Otherwise I'm seeing pretty high prices on the net as well.

rockler used to have it on line on their website, but it was never in stock.

I thought Bell forest also used to stock it, but I don't see it listed on their website. I sent them an inquiry email also.

Thanks for the tip with luthiers, I found one, very close to be, but the weren't very helpful. Will have to do some more digging.
Not sure if you have the ability to cut it,, or know someone who could,,but at exotic wood supply a 1 X 1x 12 inch blank is only 10 bucks. You could get a couple of sets out of a piece like that.
Yeah, that's the problem Mark, I don't have the tools to do it, and don't know anyone that can/would do it for me.
I'm sure there must be some woodworkers in your town that could do it. I know this will sound crazy with all the shipping,, but you could order it, have it shipped to me , and I could easily cut it and then send it to you. Seems roundabout but it'd work. A little piece like that shouldn't be much though to ship.
Let me check around first to see if I can't find another source. A friend of mine makes Harpsichords and he uses ebony for all the keys. I'll let you know.
Haven't heard from my friend, but I did find a local source that can get me a 2 X 2 X 12 inch block. I'm thinking of ordering it as it's not in stock right now and if you like I'll send you some slabs. Depending how you align the scales an 1/8th X 2 X 12 slice could give you 4 scales ( 2 razors I mean) enough if you screw up one or two. I do have some Macassa bony on hand,, and Zircote is available which is very dark with a beautiful grain. Let me know.
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