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Source for Single Edge blades

You'll get a good shave from that, I promise!

I buy my SE blades from ......... shaving... a uk based company with good prices. Hope that helps!

That is bizarre... when I try to type that word (c onnaught, without the space in the middle) it changes it to a row of dots. Does anyone know why?!
I buy my blades from here as well as its the only place i know in the uk who sell them, there are some se blades on e bay but i think they may be industrial blades so i have stayed away from them.
That's great fella's. I knew you would know :001_smile

I intended getting a blade sampler from C.onnaught next week anyway so i'll just tag a 10-Pack one of those to my order :)
Ever Ready's (and GEM's) give a really nice shave! :thumbup:

Looks like a pretty good score as well at that price :001_smile
Ever Ready's (and GEM's) give a really nice shave! :thumbup:

Looks like a pretty good score as well at that price :001_smile

That's what I thought. These 6am starts on a Sunday morning are seriously getting to me but at least I get a good look at the all the late listings from the previous night.

It's a good job that it wasn't more money as my poor wallet has taken a beating this month :lol: I've spent waaaaaayyyyyy more on shaving stuff this month than I intended! :ohmy:
or can I just use normal DE blades?

Never use a standard DE blade in a SE razor, unless you want to tear your face to shreds. The blade won't fit at all.

Why? They've always seemed good to me - good prices and post quickly...

As I understand it, that vendor is banned for their inability to follow the simple rules of being a vendor.

Home Depot has the 100 blade pack.:thumbup1:

I hope you are kidding!! The blades sold at Home Depot are way to dull to use for shaving. You need the Gem branded blades marketed for shaving, or the Ted Pella blades marketed for medical/ scientific usage. Using a standard SE blade (which is often used for scraping paint) is a guaranteed recipe for lots of razor burn, and many many cuts.
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Thats a great razor Mick. I have a similar model & use it often. Pauls the man for the blades in neck of't woods mate.
Fozz is right. He does give a very good service to those of us this side of the water. Enjoy mate.
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