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Source for cardboard pack gillette platinum?

Does anyone know of an online source for the cardboard pack Gillette platinums? There was a source briefly on ebay but they appear to be gone now.
For the Gillette, Black, Indian, Super Platinum's the source was Dridiot, who is also a contributor to this MB. Cheers.
I bought 20 of these to try them out from dridiot. I don't know if he has them listed in an auction, but they are available thru his ebay store, named Double-Edge-Shaving-Place.

Gillette Platinum, Made in Russia, in carboard 5 paks.

I've only used a few, but IMHO the 7 O'Clock Yellows are better
Send a PM to misterrachel. I just got 100 of these that he had up on B/S/T last week. AFAIK, he still has some.
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