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Sought after SE

I agree about the Streamline. The Jewel is a Streamline with the GEM name, so I lump them together. The Cobra is not universally seen as beautiful in my experience on B&B. Some men do love its modern looks...others not so much and it's a cast product from modern cheaper alloys; that alone disqualifies it around appearance for me.
Lather catchers, streamline, Rapide. I'm going to throw out that a type d injector should be on this list.
I mean, look at it. Amazing looks, proven head design...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and performance is YMMV.

But speaking for myself I would suggest the Pal Adjustable from the 1960s, the Ever-Ready 1914, and the Gem 1912 Damanskeene are all worthy of consideration.

As a group SE razors generally are not known for beauty in the eyes of most persons.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and performance is YMMV.

But speaking for myself I would suggest the Pal Adjustable from the 1960s,
I fell in love with the looks of a PAL Adjustable, and I chased a Stainless Steel model all over eBay for about 2 months. During that time, I think I bid on 4 or 5 of them, finally winning one in a case.

When it arrived, it was as beautiful in person as it looked in the pictures, but the shave didn't feel right. I used it for one pass and didn't like it at all. I had to finish it up with my 34G.

So yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But looks can be deceiving. YMMV, of course.

I've got other SE and Injector razors in my collection, but I haven't found one yet that I like enough to put into active rotation.
The Pal is imo one of the best looking razors ever made. Even now it looks like something from the future. It's on a short list of things to buy but I'm wary of bad bevels on internet ones and the ones I find in the wild have been in real rough shape....
from my limited experience i would vote for the Streamline. i doubt that i could commit to one so for now i have the Damaskeene in highest position on my personal desire list.

i like the looks of the Pal and the Cobra.
As you asking for looks and performance it is the everady Streamline/Jewel without a doubt. The coolest looking razor, best in your hand felling razor I have held and it is agressive, use a light touch with a fresh blade.
As do the razors from the kampfe brothers.

Kampfe are single edge but technically they are called wedge blades and not really to be considered single edge disposable as they had to be stropped and honed. The last models they made and failed to get a patent for was the kampfe Star cru steel razor and they could be a candidate for this thread but the streamline beats it.
The Streamline/Jewel is, IMO, the most beautiful, it's the one that feels best in the hand, and it is both rare and expensive. Gives a terrific shave. In my limited experience, there's not a better razor to be had, though you're going to get fantastic shaves from the also-great-looking Damaskeene (and other 1912 variants). I've never seen a Cobra in person or, of course, shaved with one, but IMO the Streamline/Jewel razors are far better looking.
I fell in love with the looks of a PAL Adjustable, and I chased a Stainless Steel model all over eBay for about 2 months. During that time, I think I bid on 4 or 5 of them, finally winning one in a case.

When it arrived, it was as beautiful in person as it looked in the pictures, but the shave didn't feel right. I used it for one pass and didn't like it at all. I had to finish it up with my 34G.

So yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But looks can be deceiving. YMMV, of course.

I've got other SE and Injector razors in my collection, but I haven't found one yet that I like enough to put into active rotation.

Are you aware of the secret of shaving with the Pal Adjustable? Look closely at the head. The angle of the head is different than the angle of the recessed blade. Long story made short: lower the handle about 10 or 15 degrees from the "normal" angle and you'll do fine.

Marvelous close and smooth shaves with a setting of "3 1/2" or "4" on the scale of "5" with my tough beard on my 76 year old face. I use the made-in-China Schick Injector blades.

I love the Pal Adjustable as much as my Fat Boy and my Slim adjustables! Maybe more so.
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Without dought the kampfe razors were made with wedge blades, but mine uses a gem without any problems thats why i included it, and yes the streamline is a very good razor and although it is a very smooth shave the star is closer but not nearly as smooth, but as ever ymmv.
But that d type looks amazing i just hope it shaves as good as it looks,maybe another on the to get list.
I've owned the Streamline and both the regular and OC Damaskeenes...all of which are very nice razors and they all provide an excellent shave. They have all since come and gone, but they all deserve a shot in your rotation.

I think for pure "cosmetics", a really nice lather catcher is pretty cool to have in your collection; they also shave quite nicely.

Several months ago, I "had" to have a Schick Type F...since it is somewhat rare, and to me, a very nice looking razor. Unfortunately, it's shaving performance didn't match its looks, so it had to go.
I agree about the Streamline. The Jewel is a Streamline with the GEM name, so I lump them together. The Cobra is not universally seen as beautiful in my experience on B&B. Some men do love its modern looks...others not so much and it's a cast product from modern cheaper alloys; that alone disqualifies it around appearance for me.

The 1912 Damaskeene probably deseves an honorable mention.
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