Sunday 08-18-13. MUSIC: David Bowie - Earthling (1997).
Soap from Aleppo - Kimson de España silvertip - Gillette Fat Boy - Polsilver #2 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving soap Martin de Candre - Alum block - Thayers Original Aloe - ASB Korres - ASL Myrsol Agua Balsámica.
Pre: 5 mile run the hot shower with JB body was and JB daily face wash
Brush: Semogue 1305 (firt time using it)
Soap: Cella (first time using this as well)
Razor: Mergress XL
Blade: Personna med prep (x2)
Post: Cold water splash and alum
A/S: Captains Lime
Another great shave with the mergresss. Also, not a bad lather with the 1305 and cella. I can tell both of these will be regulars in my rotation.