Was poking around Craigslist, and saw an ad for a Parker 86R and some Shark blades, fifteen clams. Ad said the razor was used once. The location was about ten minutes away.
Never really had an urge to try a Parker, but I shot off an email to see how many blades came with the razor, since I use Sharks.
The response was ninety five blades. I figured I'd take 'em.
Picked up the razor and blades from a nice guy, about my age. Said he'd read an article about how DE shaving was better, but after twenty years of Bic Disposables he figured he was too set in his ways.
As I left he told me to be careful, as those blades were sharp!
Got home and took a closer look, and there is a full sleeve of Shark Super Chromes. One pack had been opened, and there were still four blades left.
I'll be interested to give the Parker a whirl, and see if there is something about the razor that might have scared a guy off so quick.
Never really had an urge to try a Parker, but I shot off an email to see how many blades came with the razor, since I use Sharks.
The response was ninety five blades. I figured I'd take 'em.
Picked up the razor and blades from a nice guy, about my age. Said he'd read an article about how DE shaving was better, but after twenty years of Bic Disposables he figured he was too set in his ways.
As I left he told me to be careful, as those blades were sharp!
Got home and took a closer look, and there is a full sleeve of Shark Super Chromes. One pack had been opened, and there were still four blades left.
I'll be interested to give the Parker a whirl, and see if there is something about the razor that might have scared a guy off so quick.