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Something Is Seriously Wrong With Me.

I am pretty deliberate about what I buy. I didn't used to be, but since my wife has been sick (2001) a larger and larger portion of our disposable income goes to medical premiums, medications and deductibles/co-pays. Plus I max out my Health Spending Account every year.

Anyhow, I saw a brush listed in the BST that just grabbed my eye and I bought it for $30. Ok, not terrible. Then I saw in a different post that Krona Kruiser had some bright nickel Old Type heads for a great price....$18. Now, I just bought an Old Type, silver plated...but the teeth feel a bit sharp so I thought the replated head might be a bit smoother, plus the price was right. Well, in PM'ing with Krona, he also had some newly replated New's, so I bought an Otto Roth too. Total impulse buy, but it was only $38 so it was a good deal.

Then I was out Saturday and stopped at a cigar shop that was having a Labor Day event. I used to smoke cigars quite often...and I still have over 200 in my Humidor, but I haven't really smoked the cigars regularly in 5-6 years. I also used to smoke a pipe several times a month at least. So on a whim, I bought 2 ounces of 2 different types of tobacco. $10, not bad and my wife bought a couple of boxes.

So, I got home and couldn't find my tamper or pipe lighter. I know I saw it when I unpacked my humidor and cigar cutter/lighters, but it is nowhere to be found. The lighter and tamper were cheap, so not the end of the world, but annoying. So, I went to another cigar shop close to my house and they were having a sale. 10% off purchases between $25-$50 and 15% off anything over $50. All I needed was a $10 tamper and a $12.99 cheapy butane pipe lighter. Well, then the guy shows me the Xikar pipe lighters which have a built in tamper, scraper and poker. $49.99 less 10%. The cheaper lighter and tamper don't have any sort of real warranty. But if I buy the Xikar Lighter/Tamper combo it comes with a lifetime warranty. Anything goes wrong with anything...just take it to ANY authorized dealer and they replace it on the spot....even without a receipt. If they don't have exactly what you have, they will give you the closest thing or you can upgrade and only pay the difference.

So, basically $25 for the cheap stuff or for $20 more get the nice lighter along with a lifetime guarantee. Ok, what the hell. Then I started perusing the humidor and found a couple of Nicaraguan cigars that I had to try. I love Padron 1964 Anniversary...made from all Nicaraguan tobacco and one of the best cigars on the planet...but I have about 25 in my humidor, so these were from a different premium maker and smelled very similar to the Padron. Ok, 2 x $9. Then I need some new Humidor Crystals to keep the humidity level more constant in my humidor...$10. So, I went in to spend about $20 on a cheap tamper and lighter and walked out with just over $80 worth of stuff. Nice stuff, but crap. Why did I do that?

Oh well. I am just not used to impulse buying anymore and it makes me feel guilty. It's not that I absolutely can't afford the stuff, it's just that I am usually so much more deliberate and plan purchases more carefully. I guess it reminds me of my younger days when I was irresponsible and just bought stuff I wanted and figured out how to pay the bills later.

So, I'm out about $165 ish for all the stuff I bought, plus $60 worth of parachord and buckles for my wife to make bracelets. It's a new hobby for her but it helps take her mind off her pain and illness, which is worth it's weight in gold.

Ok.....I feel a bit better now that I have all of that out. Anyone have anything to sell that I might want or need? Toggle?

I'm off to smoke my pipe and then a cigar.
A little blowout once in a while will do no harm all the time you can afford it, enjoy your purchases. Sorry to hear about your wife.
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AD is difficult to explain. we don't have the answers here as to why it happens but we will support you when the urge to purchase arises. we don't judge, welcome brother!

sorry to hear about your wife's illness. twelve years is a long time to be in pain.
Sorry for you and your wife concerning her health. But this purchase, if you are going to spend some money, you "done good." All reasonable purchases for a man with hobbies and knowledge...well and a bit of AD. :thumbup1: Enjoy your purchases.
I got a bridge in NYC I'm looking to offload. PM me if interested.

I've got a lovely cottage house in Ontario I'm sure you'd be interested in. :lol:

Thank you both for your heartfelt support...:blink::001_unsur

To the rest of my shaving brothers, thank you too. It really is ok to splurge every once in a while, as long as we don't damage ourselves financially. It's probably good for the soul.

My wife has been ill in some fashion since she was a kid, asthma and migranes, along with some food allergies. She is adopted, so she doesn't know her family history. At 30 she was diagnosed with a form of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Then a couple of years later Fybromialgia. Then a couple of years ago Common Variable Immune Deficiency + a whole list of new food allergies...specifically wheat. Not gluten, but wheat. It's really hard to eat without any wheat products. Wheat in some form is in more foods than you would ever imagine. Thankfully there are a lot of good gluten free and wheat free products that can be substituted for a great many things. Still, some of her favorite things were bread, waffles, shellfish, pasta....the gluten free versions of this stuff just isn't as good as the real thing...although some of the pasta is close.

Anyhow, she is a trooper. She hasn't been able to work since 2002. She has worked part time off and on throughout the years as we have needed it, but she really can't do it. She just can't get up, dressed and to work on time with any consistency...she never knows how she will feel. It was so stressful for me trying to get myself ready in the morning and then help her get ready in any sort of timely manner. Then she had to call in sick so many days that employers would get frustrated. It frustrated her too, so we have both been much happier with her staying home, even though it's harder financially. She really needs to be able to rest whenever she feels like it.

Sorry, I usually don't bring up many details about my wife's illness; I don't want people to think I'm looking for sympathy. It just sort of spilled out before I realized what I was typing. We have a good life. We may not be able to afford some of the luxuries 2 income empty nesters can, but to me it's worth it to have that stress relieved for my wife. We just shifted what our priorities were in life. I can still enjoy my shaving hobby and some cigar/pipe stuff. I make a good living and have good health benefits, which are worth their weight in gold.

Ok, back to talking about my spending spree. What else ya got for sale?
Oh well. I am just not used to impulse buying anymore and it makes me feel guilty. It's not that I absolutely can't afford the stuff, it's just that I am usually so much more deliberate and plan purchases more carefully. I guess it reminds me of my younger days when I was irresponsible and just bought stuff I wanted and figured out how to pay the bills later.

There are a couple things going on here...

First off, google "decision fatigue" and see if that helps explain the later part of the day.

Secondly, you are now a full, mature adult, and feel the pain of your "irresponsible younger days." You know better now, that's why doing something that reminds you of that behavior is painful.

But, take a moment and give yourself a pat on the back. You REALIZE what you're doing and have it under control. You are no longer your younger self.

Take a deep breath, acknowledge that the after effects of the unplanned buying were painful, KNOW that you are a different person now and then have some moments of enjoyment. You need those moments of enjoyment as much as you need the "responsibility."

Would your younger self been as caring of your wife as you have been?

Nope? I rest my case.

Now, take care of yourself,

I have one face and one scalp to shave with 30 razors, 350 blades, 6 brushes, 11 soaps and creams, 4 AS balms, and 6 AS splashes so it sounds to me like you've found the right place to hang out...Welcome to B&B!
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