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Someone just got a GREAT deal on a British Popular #45

The #45s often have weird problems with the TTO mechanism, but they can be fixed.

Is crimping the right fix? I know nothing about this particular razor type or the seller's abilities and crimping seemed like a back yard mechanic approach to me, so I passed.
I was watching that one, figured snipers would drive it up in the end. I also just received a #15 Aristocrat so my TTO open comb fix has been satisfied.
Is crimping the right fix? I know nothing about this particular razor type or the seller's abilities and crimping seemed like a back yard mechanic approach to me, so I passed.

I have never re-crimped, but I have read at least one thread on the subject. I had to dismantle my Popular and clean the TTO mechanism. Anyway, I still think someone got a great deal.
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