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Soapstone pipes

I always thought these were a legend, an artistan craft from years past, until I saw one in the briar shoppe yesterday. Granted, I don't know anyone who would pay $900 for a pipe, but it was gorgeous. The craftsmanship and artistry were apparent. It left me wondering, though, whether the bowl would tend to get hot because of the inherently conductive material. Does anyone here have experience with soapstone bowls?
Not meerschaum but actual soapstone? I've never seen one made of soapstone. Was it carved like meershaum? I suspect a soapstone pipe would get hot, but then clay pipes and ceramic pipes like the Zenith also get very hot.
Not meerschaum but actual soapstone? I've never seen one made of soapstone. Was it carved like meershaum? I suspect a soapstone pipe would get hot, but then clay pipes and ceramic pipes like the Zenith also get very hot.

Nope, real soapstone, pinkish hue and all. It was carved beautifully with an Arabic looking pattern. It had a bamboo stem. The overall effect was very luxurious and ancient.
If it's still for sale next time I drop by the briar shoppe, I'll be sure to snag some pictures. It is certainly picture worthy. As far as I know, it might be a unique piece made by a local artisan. We have a number of soapstone carvers in the area around my hobbit hole.
If it's still for sale next time I drop by the briar shoppe, I'll be sure to snag some pictures. It is certainly picture worthy. As far as I know, it might be a unique piece made by a local artisan. We have a number of soapstone carvers in the area around my hobbit hole.

Thanks in advance. I can't wait to see.
Are you back to trying the pipe again? I was under the impression that you did not like it when you tried it th1 1st time.
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