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Soap storage



Hi all,

I was introduced to the wonderful world of wet shaving (DE) a month or two ago and I'm completely obsessed. It's odd, really - I can't wait to get home and shave (I shave right before bed) - I never thought shaving would be something I look forward to, but here I am...

Anyway, I have a (stupid?) question:

Now that I'm immersed, but still a beginner, I find myself buying all things related to shaving, including many different brands or types of the same product to try out the different experiences and results.

For the soaps, how do you guys rotate? Do you keep the original packaging and drop it into your mug when you want to use it and then swap out when you want to use a different one? Or do you drop it in your mug/container and keep it there until it's gone?

I was thinking of buying several small Tupperware-type containers so I can rotate soaps without them losing any scents to the open air.

Thought? Ideas? Experiences?

Welcome. Sounds like you're fitting right in :thumbup1:.

I don't have too many soaps, but the ones I do have are milled or melted (for glycerine soaps) into my own containers. I have a few in ceramic mugs, and a few in plastic bowls on which I can put lids. After being her for a few months, I get the feeling that most people get rid of any original packaging, unless, of course, the original packaging is a nice wood bowl or other bowl-type package meant for loading a brush.

Enjoy the journey, I know I have.
Welcome...to the insanity, lol.

I mill my soaps into round one cup Ziplock containers with lids, and label them. Not elegant or anything, but functional. I use this thingie...not sure what they are called, but it's this hand grater, sort of a cheese grater/food mill. I just cut the soap into blocks, load the mill, and make finely shredded soap, whcih I pack into the container, moisten slightly, pack more, and let dry. There's a sticky in the shaving soap forum on how to do it, if you take a look.

Works great for me, because I face lather, so no need for puck rotation, mugs, lather bowls, etc.

Don't worry...after your initial fever, you'll figure out what products you don't like, which you do, and what is similar to what you like for future informed choices. You'll whittle down your stockpile of soap/creams/blades/razors/brushes/balms/splashes soon enough, or SWMBO will make a command decision and regulate on your monopoly of all bathroom shelf and drawer space, and you'll get down to your essentials. Pretty soon you'll be PIFing on "Newbie Kits" in the BST in no time.
If you only have a few soaps they can sit in open bowls/mugs. If you are going to accumulate a lot of different soaps :001_rolle getting containers with tight fitting lids is a good idea as soaps will loose their scent over time.

The soaps will last a long time and retain their performance characteristics. But again, they can loose their scent over time. Using a soap that has lost it's scent will expose new layers of scented soap unless the soap is really old and it's gone completely.
Along with Tupperware, the other popular storage choice seems to be Anchor Hocking 1 cup containers with lids. You can find 4 for about $8 at Walmart, Target, and similar stores.
Don't be sucked into buy only soaps in fancy bowls. Have a few is nice, especially if you have a nice set up that it looks good on. I bought all of these ceramic sugar bowl that is shaped like a pot with a lid. Most soaps fit perfect and I only spent $1 each at Big Lots.
I have several Old Spice mugs, latte mugs and tea cups that hold my soaps. This motley collection sort of stacks up under the sink.

I am constantly on the lookout for nice wide latte mugs.
I bought some containers from Mama Bear when I placed an order for soap. I put my MWF and a couple other loose soaps I had in them.
If a soap comes in a nice tub, gratis, or cheap (TABAC, Proraso etc), I'll use that. I'm not one for pricey wooden bowls, so the rest will go in Pyrex 1 Cup bowls with lids.

These are good, becasue they're deep enough to lather a puck on without soaping over the top of them.

Not as cheap as the Anchor hockings, but I can't get those locally.

There's a couple of big threads on containers somewhere, try the search function, and you'll get even more ideas.
Great question. I am in the same stage as you on my new DE addiction. All these replies are very helpful for me too. Now onto investigating containers for all these soaps I am buying.
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