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Soap Scum/Water Stains on Glass Shower


The wife's investment
I just installed a round shower with clear tempered glass doors and it is very quickly becoming a smeary, cloudy mess. Anyone have any solutions for cleaning the glass and keeping it clean?
bar keepers friend or bon ami works pretty well. Also may want to buy a daily shower cleaner that you spray on everyday after your shower. Helps to fight the soap scum buildup.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
We suggest to customers to squeegee down glass and walls. I'ts a hassle, but keeps things nice and clean and takes only a few seconds. You can buy ones from Home Depot or other stores made specifically for that purpose and hang it off the back wall of the stall.
Had absolutely terrible buildup of soap scum on shower surround, nothing would touch it. Easy Off no fume (Blue cap) oven cleaner did the trick! Let it sit about hour and a half and go at it with a scrubbie sponge. Do not get it on paint, and you may want to test it on a small area first.


The wife's investment
Thanks guys, keep em coming. Anyone have experience with Glass Wax.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I always thought rain-x would work really well. My showers are all wasted already to I never tried it.
i use a squeegee as Kentos suggested and it helps a lot but you need to start with a clean shower. It doesn't take long to do.
If the soap ecumenical is already there or it gets ahead of you, Kaboom works great . You may need a gentle nylon scratchy thing also.
Imagine the soap scum buildup that is left on you that just can't be seen?

Perhaps you're using the wrong shower soap. Many have suggested Williams as a preferred soap fir that application....
Lysol foaming bath cleaner seems to work for me.

A sponge with a scrubber pad attached (not ScotchBrite) helps with the tougher deposits.
Thanks guys, keep em coming. Anyone have experience with Glass Wax.

Never tried it on a shower door, but it is great for mirrors. A lot more work than Windex, but lasts a long while. Haven't found Glass Wax in years. It used to be available w/ stencils for X-mas time. Rub the wax over the stencil for window decoration. When holiday season over, just buff the stencil out and clean the window at the same time.
I know what you mean. We had glass doors and the scum became a pain in the you know where. I'm wondering if CLR will take care of it, on glass. Also, I've heard of wetting a large thick paper towel with a cleaner and "sticking" it to the glass, to let it get absorbed in. Good luck.
Mine are too far gone. I tried most everything recommended on the internet but the water spots from my well water are there to stay. You need to stay on top of it from the beginning.
try Z-12 Clearview glass polish,then maintain the glass with barkeepers friend or bon-ami and a no scratch scouring pad.always squeegee down the entire shower after you're done,it really helps.
I use something called Clean Shower (terrible generic name I know) in order to maintain an already clean shower. Here is a link to the refill for it. First step is to get the shower clean, then you spray it on the glass every time after the shower is used. As for getting it clean in the first place... anything intended for soap scum should do, Lysol perhaps.
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