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Soap scents/fragrances

I'm looking to try some new soaps. Are there any other quality artisan soaps out there with scents as good as mystic water soaps? I really love the scents of mystic water soaps and I'm wondering if there is anything else like it out there?
Mike's provides a great shave soap, you should also consider Barrister and Mann Shave Soap especially their Seville which is the Barbershop fragrance. QCS (Queen Charlotte Soaps is another great one I really am a fan of the Fougere fragrance. My other two are RazoRock Fresco at the Italian Barber it is only $5.99 right now and also order the La Toja Shave Stick for $4.99 you will thank me.
After reading all your suggestions i decided i wanted to try Mike's lime and barbershop soaps. When i was on his website i noticed that he is really backed up in processing orders. Is there anywhere else i may be able to order some of his samples, or just on his website?
Mike's provides a great shave soap, you should also consider Barrister and Mann Shave Soap especially their Seville which is the Barbershop fragrance. QCS (Queen Charlotte Soaps is another great one I really am a fan of the Fougere fragrance. My other two are RazoRock Fresco at the Italian Barber it is only $5.99 right now and also order the La Toja Shave Stick for $4.99 you will thank me.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to have to look into this La Toja shave stick, never used a shave stick before. How do you like the razorock?
If you like soaps rather than creams, give the old school palmolive stick a try. I go back to that from time to time to travel back in time. Not artisan by any means but there is something in that cut green grass smell that does it for me. Pay 0.99 euro cents over there...and makes the best lather out there.
QueenCharlotteSoaps is my go to. I'm in the minority that doesn't really like Mike's scents all that much...though performance is tip top. My favorite QCS scents are Iced Key Lime, Fougere, and Celestial Woods.
I also like QCS soaps. Please note that both QCS and Mike offers samples, which would probably be worthwhile for testing them out. Also enjoy TOBS sandalwood, D.R. Harris lavender and almond, Klar Kabinett, Pre de Provence, and 3P. There are many, many outstanding soaps with fine fragrances.
After reading all your suggestions i decided i wanted to try Mike's lime and barbershop soaps. When i was on his website i noted that he is really backed up in processing orders. Is there anywhere else i may be able to order some of his samples, or just on his website?

I don't think anybody sells his samples. Vintage Blades has some of the scents, including barbershop and lime. I haven't sampled the entirety of either brand, but I think MW smells better, although this is all very subjective.
I'm in the minority that doesn't really like Mike's scents all that much...though performance is tip top.

I'm with you there. I've got tins of Barbershop and Peppermint/Rosemary and have samples of bay rum, vetiver, orange/cedar/peppercorn and something else. I'm just not wild about any of them, to be honest. I dislike the Barbershop, though to be fair, I don't much care for patchouli, so I should have read the label more carefully. Of the samples, I do kind of like the Vetiver and the Bay Rum. I'm not sure if it is just a question of taste, or something else. I'm curious to see what the unscented smells like. There is a certain "muddiness" to all the scents (to my nose) and I actually wonder if that is one of the ingredients in teh soap itself (maybe the clay?). Shaves great though, and the smells are tolerable.
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