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Soap rotations

I was reading this thread about Williams:


when it occurred to me that maybe rotating too many soaps, or at least not using the same soap on several successive days, might be one reason why many new users have trouble lathering certain soaps.

We all know that the lathering qualities of soaps vary considerably. One might require a wetter brush initially while another needs a dryer brush. One might need more loading than another in order to achieve proper lather. My point is that the particularities of each soap might be better appreciated if we were to spend more days working with each one to gain a better understanding of their respective qualities.

Whenever I switch soaps, it seems that I always have to adjust my lathering routine a little in order to get the best lather. The first day's lather is not usually as good as what I get the next day. This is why I generally use the same soap for at least a week, sometimes up to a month at a time, before I switch to another.

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That's a good question. IMO it makes a difference in a few soaps. I was rotating everyday but you really can't get the full effect of the soap unless you keep shaving with it for a few das in a row. Now I do a soap a week unless it is just plain awful.
I agree that it takes a few lathers to get the feel for each soap. They're all a little different it seems.
I start every Monday with the intention of using the same product all week.

Sometimes I make it, sometimes I don't. :wink:
I tend to find, once you can lather a soap, you can lather any without to many difficulties. MWF is an exception. I tend to use a different soap each day over a two week rotation.

Please don't judge, it justifies my SSAD. :blushing:
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