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soap reformulation

Because as a society we are moving more and more toward having everything animal-friendly. Sad, really...

I may have to offer one for those who are vegetarian or vegan. I wish these companies would do the same. The vegetarians can have Williams, but let us keep English Fern :tongue_sm

I always figured it was in an effort to save costs. If they were just trying to cater to the animal friendly crowd, then making both versions makes sence. Williams still has tallow in it, just not as much as before.
How does the Penhaligans compare after the reformulation?

Not favorably. I have read too many descriptions that include phrases like "doesn't lather" and "unlatherable." That said, some recent reports indicate that there may have been tweaks to the formulation that improve the lather, but they still pale in comparison to tallowed English Fern and Blenheim Bouquet.
How does the Penhaligans compare after the reformulation?

From just about every report I have read, the product is now absolute garbage. There are some reports the newest lots might be slightly better, but they took what many considered to be the best performing product on the market, and turned it into a mediocre product at best. A mediocre product with an extremely high price tag.
I always figured it was in an effort to save costs. If they were just trying to cater to the animal friendly crowd, then making both versions makes sence. Williams still has tallow in it, just not as much as before.

I think the whole cost argument is just one of their excuses. Tallow is actually dirt cheap, even cheaper if you render it yourself. At least this has been my experience.
Why would they care? Vegetarians and vegans would be such a small small percentage of the wetshaving community.

The vegetarians and vegans still make up a larger percentage than we do. Since we are the only ones who care about tallow, the companies see no reason to listen to us. I believe it may also have something to do with the Royal Warrants. I am sure the Queen and the two Dukes put the companies under pressure too.
The vegetarians and vegans still make up a larger percentage than we do.

While that is probably true, they are catering to a population base who will probably never buy their product, while in turn totally alienating the actual customer base for their product. Doesn't sound like sound business sense to me.
While that is probably true, they are catering to a population base who will probably never buy their product, while in turn totally alienating the actual customer base for their product. Doesn't sound like sound business sense to me.

Not saying I necessarily disagree, but when you include the animal product you unfortunately become a target to some unsavory animal rights groups. Over here in the states it isn't such a big deal, but the psychotic, violent wing of animal rights activists (not saying they're all psychotic and violent, but some are) have a larger presence in the UK.
You don't really have to be a vegetarian, a vegan, or a social activist to not want to rub tallow soap on your face. Tallow has too many supporters on here for me to not think it effective, but I'm able to do just fine with plant-based alternatives.

In my own mind, and whether substantiated or not, I think animal fats will clog pores--something I don't need. And maybe because I once lived fairly close to Milwaukee's stockyard and tallow rendering facility, I am overly biased. But yesterday, a member showed an enlarged close-up of the contents of their ceramic bowl of MWF, and I about gagged.

Different strokes, they say.:001_smile
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You know its bizarre that a group that touts itself as environmentally friendly would be against the use of tallow. It allows for the complete consumption of an otherwise wasted product.

We are going to kill animals, we are going to eat them, wear them, etc.

If Vegans win the war and humans are forced to stop animal consumption, something or someone will decide to start eating vegans...and boom we have a nice olive oil smelling tallow :)
In my own mind, and whether substantiated or not, I think animal fats will clog pores--something I don't need. .....

It's not a fat when it's in the soap. It's soap. It's been saponified. It is a mixture of oils that are fully saponified, leaving no "fat" or "oil" in the finished product. Vegetable-based soaps are also a conglomeration of saponified fats. Most of the time the quantities of the various fats are designed to provide similar lather qualities that one can get from.....you guessed it.....saponified tallow!
It's not a fat when it's in the soap. It's soap. It's been saponified. It is a mixture of oils that are fully saponified, leaving no "fat" or "oil" in the finished product. Vegetable-based soaps are also a conglomeration of saponified fats. Most of the time the quantities of the various fats are designed to provide similar lather qualities that one can get from.....you guessed it.....saponified tallow!

all true here,and there is no shortage of leftover fat from rendered animals..the reason for change is always the same...increase the bottom line....look at palmolive soap...famous for its quality and scent,made ,at one time,with palm and olive oils,now its almost entirely animal tallow,why? cheap cheap cheap....
Vegetable-based soaps are also a conglomeration of saponified fats. Most of the time the quantities of the various fats are designed to provide similar lather qualities that one can get from.....you guessed it.....saponified tallow!
Then what would be the difference? Why is everyone bemoaning the move away from tallow if the two can give the same lather qualities? Can somehow an animal fat "that's no longer a fat" be BETTER than a plant-based fat "that's no longer a fat"?

If we took a dozen UNBRANDED pucks of triple milled soaps, half being tallow and the other six being vegetable-based, could our more experienced shavers on here use a rotation of them for 60 days and be able to accurately identify the animal soap from the plant soap?

And if they could, and felt the animal (tallow) soap performed better, what would be the main cause for the difference besides animal fat?
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