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Soap PIF

I've enjoyed my brief time here at B&B, and since I have soap I don't want/need what better thing to do then PIF it?

First, the rules:
1) Be awesome (if you're on the forum I'm pretty sure you qualify
2) Be CONUS (sorry, but shipping is horrible otherwise)
3) If you don't like/want it later on, PIF it.

Items in the PIF:
P160: I got this as a bonus when I picked up a duke 3 off of B/S/T. I hate sweet almond scents, but I gave it a shot anyway. It lathers fine, but I'll never use it again. I have no idea how much is left, probably around 75% it was used once by me, and however many times by the guy before me

La Troja stick:
Never used. Turns out I hate shave sticks, and I'd rather buy a puck of something else then grate this bad boy up.

Euro Palmolive stick:
Sooooo I'm an idiot. I got this at the same time I got a twist up container from west coast shaving and I just jammed it on there. The plastic bit in the middle bent sideways and poked threw the soap. It's actually pretty embarrassing how horribe it looks. The good news is that I've never used it. Comes with a twist up container (mangled).

If you'd like to enter, post "I'm in" and a reason why your awesome. Any reason at all, stories are more then welcome, short one liners are just as good. I'll choose a winner at random at 2pm EST on Monday the 20th.
I'm in!
I'm awesome because I've gone through shaving soap AD, safety razor AD, and shaving brush AD in the two years since I've joined. I've had a bit of fountain pen AD lately.
I'm in! I'm awesome because I lost close to 90 lbs and got to be in a commercial and photoshoot for NutriSystem. Since then i regained my confidence which led to me finding a wonderful girlfriend who later became my fiancé, my wife, and now the mother-to-be of my first child.
I'm in! I'm awesome because I want to expand my collection so much that I've decided to try my hand at woodworking so I can build a custom shave den for all my gear. I made the plans, bought the wood, and even picked up a table saw last night. Hopefully I have enough fingers to shave when I'm done building it!
I knit my daughter a sweater. Well, three sweaters, and a blanket, and a tail for a cat costume.

I can drywall pretty good too. And make a good rack of lamb.

Out of bounds for this PIF though. Be awesome, all!
Great PIF, I'm in!
I'm awesome because I just destroyed a whole bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. WHOO!!! :bayrum2:
I've enjoyed my brief time here at B&B, and since I have soap I don't want/need what better thing to do then PIF it?

First, the rules:
1) Be awesome (if you're on the forum I'm pretty sure you qualify
2) Be CONUS (sorry, but shipping is horrible otherwise)
3) If you don't like/want it later on, PIF it.

Items in the PIF:
P160: I got this as a bonus when I picked up a duke 3 off of B/S/T. I hate sweet almond scents, but I gave it a shot anyway. It lathers fine, but I'll never use it again. I have no idea how much is left, probably around 75% it was used once by me, and however many times by the guy before me

La Troja stick:
Never used. Turns out I hate shave sticks, and I'd rather buy a puck of something else then grate this bad boy up.

Euro Palmolive stick:
Sooooo I'm an idiot. I got this at the same time I got a twist up container from west coast shaving and I just jammed it on there. The plastic bit in the middle bent sideways and poked threw the soap. It's actually pretty embarrassing how horribe it looks. The good news is that I've never used it. Comes with a twist up container (mangled).

If you'd like to enter, post "I'm in" and a reason why your awesome. Any reason at all, stories are more then welcome, short one liners are just as good. I'll choose a winner at random at 2pm EST on Monday the 20th.

very generous of you - please count me in
I'm in, though I've never tried any of these three that you are offering, so I hope I'm still awesome JACK!


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P.160 is one of the finest soaps out there and it has been discontinued for a few years now so anyone getting this will be a lucky dog.

Palmolive shave stick is a real performer and one of my favorites. Again anyone who gets Palmolive is a winner

I am NOT in as I have a kilo of P.160 and several Palmolive shave sticks but I wanted to comment on this generous PIF offering
I'm pretty awesome, I'm sure you'll agree
But I'm not in this PIF, as you'll plainly see
I just wanted to stop and to comment and say
P160 and 'Ollie' will make someone's day

I have a 3/4 full tub of P160, and if you like Italian Almond soaps, this is one of the best. Lathers so easily, slick, and can easily be mistaken for a dessert topping. Palmolive, to me, is one of the best scents out there. It's just a very clean smell. It's also a lather bomb. Can't comment on La Toja, but it has a great reputation. Not in, but I would highly encourage any noob to get in on this. P160 was one of my first soaps. 2500 posts later... I'm still in love with it.
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