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Soap or cream for my newb Dad?

My dad's really gotten into the whole wet shaving bit after I started with the hobby. I've been able to contain my ad's quite well, but he's already gotten the bug for old brushes and razors haha. I might get banned for saying this, but we both still use Barbasol (Gasp!). All kidding aside, soap is on my Christmas list and I'm just trying to contain my new hobby. My dad hasn't gotten the soap or cream bug yet, but I plan to get him started this Christmas as well. He's shown some interest in shaving sticks and creams, but he doesn't want a straight up soap in the tub.

Should I get him a good shaving cream or stick? I don't want him to get frustrated with soap but I really have no experience so I came here!
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Have your thought about the soft shaving saop in tubs? brands such as Proraso, Omega or Fitness are well regarded. I recentlyhad some Omega as a Birthday pressent and I really do like it. THe scent is very, very, very mild though. Otheres will chime in with sugestions.
Is he willing to shop on line when the first stick or tub runs out? If so, you open up a lot more options.

Do you want to give him something that you haven't tried yourself? If so, where do you go if he has questions?

Arko shave sticks have a reputation for being easy to lather. That's why I chose Arko as my first shave stick, which I have yet to use.

Proraso and Omega creams have a reputation for being easy to lather as well. Again, I have some Omega cream but haven't tried it, yet, so no first hand experience.

Mama Bear has most if not all of her soaps available as shave sticks. She also has empty shave stick holders available that you can use to repackage any melt and pour puck of shaving soap.
Get a stick of Arko and a puck each of VDH Deluxe and Luxury Shaving Soaps and finally a Tube or CO Bigelow Shaving Cream.
Get Him a Proraso Set and by set I mean get him the pre and post cream, the shaving cream, and the aftershave splash.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Razorock croaps are very easy to lather and are very inexpensive. Or go full goose bozo and get him Castle Forbes Lavender. It requires less product than anything else I've tried, is easy to lather and comes in a large tub - should last a long, long time. It is also an extremely high quality product.

Samples are an excellent option.
I recommend Proraso....very easy to lather....and the green is my favorite cream....along with the pre-shave and after shave.
I would suggest any of the tubed creams (proraso, etc...). He will also need a good brush. Just soak brush, apply small dollop of cream on brush, face lather and shave. I personally like RazoRock Classic (great almond/cherry smell) or TOBS Eton College. Have you thought about what shaving brush he will need?
You could also look into KissMyFace organic shave cream. You can find it in most larger grocery stores in the Nutrition Center area. You can even face lather with it without a brush. Just pump a dollop on hand and face lather that way. This stuff is great.
You could also look into KissMyFace organic shave cream. You can find it in most larger grocery stores in the Nutrition Center area. You can even face lather with it without a brush. Just pump a dollop on hand and face lather that way. This stuff is great.

I think this is a great idea, because KMF is mess-free and easy to lather. I'd get him the "cool mint" scent. Then, if he gets more hardcore, he can move on to fancy soaps and such.
I think this is a great idea, because KMF is mess-free and easy to lather. I'd get him the "cool mint" scent. Then, if he gets more hardcore, he can move on to fancy soaps and such.

Love the Cool Mint. Have maybe 3 shaves left then will need to get another bottle. Been using my RazoRock Classic pretty much all week (love the smell) but for ease of use and overall quality any of the KMF pump bottle creams work great.
When I started 6 months ago I was a little afraid of trying soaps, since it seemed so complicated. It is not, it is just a matter of trying. I understand it as your dad already has a brush, so I would give him a Tabac soap in the ceramic bowl.

I find shave sticks complicated and strange, but that might be another thing I have to learn? :)
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