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Soap is cracking

Is this normal? This puck of MWF is my first and it's starting to crack and look really dried out. It still lathers really well so I'm not worried, just curious if this happens with all soaps as I only have experience with creams.
It's normal. Once mine cracked and I dried out I couldn't get as good of a lather out of it. If I bought it again I would put it in an airtight container. It doesn't happen with all soaps in my experience, just the older ones. Although most of my soaps have been softer soaps that were truly croaps. My only hard soap right now is Tabac, and what a soap it is.
It is normal BUT.... (you know there is always a but...)

If you keep it in a reasonably air tight container and close it up after using it, you'll find that it stays nice and moist with no cracks
I like to keep a lid on my mug to prevent drying out. Surprisingly enough, a great fitting lid for the common Old Spice Mug is the plastic lid from Duncan Hines Frosting. Fits snugly. Cover it when I'm going to be traveling or if I won't be using that soap for a few days. Leave it off for a day or two when it seems too wet or sloppy.
Is this normal? This puck of MWF is my first and it's starting to crack and look really dried out. It still lathers really well so I'm not worried, just curious if this happens with all soaps as I only have experience with creams.

Do you 'soak' before each use? LeisureGuy reports that this can induce cracking.
Soak it in water for a few days. The puck swells and is a better fit in the cheramic bowl.

I got this tip from a Gentleman on another forum, and like him, I find the soap to be a better performer when properly hydrated.
This is funny.... When I saw the thread title I guessed the soap in question was MWF! I was right. Yep, MWF will crack if not used and rehydrated often. It just needs a little drink once in awhile to keep it happy. I just add about a teaspoon of water to the bowl after using or if it has been out of rotation.


Rest in Peace
I've had "Shrink and Spin" happen with Williams when I don't use it for a while. I pour boiling water into the mug; just enough to barely cover the puck. Water evaporates and then repeat as necessary until soap is reseated to your satisfaction. Don't microwave!
Cracks are normal on MWF and will not affect performance.

^ This

You can add water every now and then if it REALLY bothers you, but I assure you it makes relatively little difference. You will need to use more water the next time you use it, but adding too little water to a soap is rarely a problem for people
I grated mine into an Anchor Hocking 1 cup glass bowl and after each use I put the lid on and it hasn't cracked at all.
However, it has been used up quicker than I thought, so maybe its too moist that way, or maybe I use it much more than other soaps.
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