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Soap Dilemna: Trumper Rose, MWF or DR Harris Lavender?

I have reached a fork in my shaving soap road. In the near future I will be purchasing 2 and no more than two soaps at one time I am looking at Trumpers Rose, MWF and DR Harris Lavender. If you can choose no more than 2 soaps out of GFT Rose, MWF or DR Harris Lavender, which ones do you chose and why?
MWF because its classic and great, and DR Harris because it is one of the best shaves you can get (although I would strongly recommend the Arlington over the lavender).

They both might also have tallow as a main ingredient. :innocent:

This does not take away from the GFT, which is also a fine product, and I'm sure will garner many votes. I guess you can't go wrong with any of them.

You should probably have made this a poll. :wink:

Antique Hoosier

Mitchell's Wool Fat, Trumper Rose, and TABAC are ALL on my constant "re-buy" list and most likely will be forever. I never caught the D.R. Harris bug... however I would like to try Knize Ten Shaving soap....

If I could only buy ONE it would be a tough choice between the first 3 mentioned...ALL have been stellar for me and I have enjoyed them very much.
D.R. Harris has been proclaimed by someone who's opinion I value greatly to be the best lavender soap currently available, and I really like it too. Now, I love the Arlington as well, and the GFT is no slouch from my experience. However I've not tried the MWF, which has some some avid fans and detractors. In my opinion, it'll be really hard to go wrong with any of your options listed here.

Good luck!
I have all three of the soaps you have listed. Out of those three, there is no clear winner. I would say pick the one with the scent you like the best. You won't go wrong with any of those choices.
I have yet to try the DR Harris, but really want to. That said, you will most likely eventually get all 3 on here eventually. Just a question of which is calling to you the loudest at the moment
A tough choice there. I guess it would depend on exactly what you mean when you say that you will be purchasing two and no more than two soaps in the near future. On one hand, you could be simply adding two to your present rotation, on the other, you could be finishing up the last of your stock, and then the two would be the only two in rotation.

If it is the former choice, then I would go with what gives you a more rounded, complete rotation, taking into consideration the scents you already have.

If it is the later, then a lavender is a must, it is very calming. If you are a morning or evening shaver, it's properties will be much appreciated. Then between the other two, I would say that you must decide what YOU want more, a nice, pleasing scent (rose,) or a more subtle, almost non-existent scent (MWF.) All three are wonderful soaps, and you cannot go wrong with any one, let alone two of the three. I would suggest that if you have never used MWF before and it might be one of only two in your rotation, then consider that quite a few folks have trouble lathering it (I am NOT one of those)

I have all three aforementioned soaps, and use each in regular rotation. They all work equally well for me, and the nice thing about a neutral scent, is that you appreciate the scented ones that much more when using them at appropriate times. But life is short, and all three are reasonably priced, (even more so if you use your own containers,) and all three scents have their own "place," so get all three.


I have all three of those, and the choice is easy for me. As it happens, Trumper rose and D.R. Harris lavender are my two favorite hard shaving soaps, probably in that order. I'm in the camp that just can't warm up to MWF, although obviously it has a very loyal following.
I have all three, and MWF is in a different class, imo. I recommending getting them all, but if that's not in the cards, get the MWF.
Trumpers Rose is a very good soap. Haven't tried the others. My favorite soap is PdP.

I'm currently deciding whether to sell my wooden bowl of Trumpers Rose. I'm more of a cream guy and mine doesn't get much use.
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