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Snapped double edge blade vs. half-blades

What are the drawbacks to breaking a double in two for your SE razor? Why do people buy half-blades? Convenience over variety?


Dull yet interesting
There are a few half blades offered, for example Perma-Sharps, Shark Super Stainless and Derby Extras. I did order 100 Sharks for my SE razors (Leaf Twig, Leaf Thorn and Yaqi Tachi) but I've also snapped many a DE blade.
I don't think there's any difference aside from the slight bend in the ones snapped by hand. No question the factory offered SE blades are a little cleaner but I have no problem with snapping a few of my favorite DE blades. It's six of one, half dozen of the other. 🤷‍♂️
The snapped part leaves faint scratches on the inside of my RR Eco but it’s soft aluminum and cannot corrode anyways.

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