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Smooth operators?

So I see all the horror stories of weepers, and I can't help but wonder...how long were you at it before your first cut? I'm about two and a half weeks in and have yet to draw more than a speck of blood. I'm not so naive as to think it because I'm that good, so dazzle me with your tales of bloodlessness!
I got cut very little if any first starting out, mostly due to only using extremely mild razors. Once in you get less forgiving razor and blade combinations, it definitely happens sometimes, but you'll also get a much closer and usually smoother shave once you get it down.
My first shave was a pretty smooth one. I was very cautious. Second shave got me to being cocky and I cut myself a few times. I actually had blood running down my jaw dripping off my chin. I do still nick myself, not as bad as having blood run down my face anymore. but around my chin and upper lip I really have to watch out.
Usually my chin gets nicked.. I've sliced it open pretty good. Nothing a stypic pencil can't handle however..
It was a few weeks before I got my first weeper. I attribute this to caution and attentiveness to what I was doing. Overall, I get far fewer weepers with DE than with the carts I used previously.
The only place I ever get weepers is above my lip, which is my trouble spot. Haven't really cut myself yet, and even the weepers close right up with a little cold water. Still don't have a styptic pencil. And that's even since my switch to Feather blades. Guess I've been lucky, and extra careful.

About a week or so in. Just on the edge the bottom lip. I think I let the blade get too old and skipped it.
I haven't cut myself yet, but I guess it's due to being extremely careful thanks to all the warning I got from forum members whilst prepping to dive into traditional wet shaving.
Started using a DE last December. Initially got a few weepers, but no major nicks or cuts. But a month or so ago was trying a new technique and pulling my nose to the side to try and get a closer shave under my nose, and on a downward stroke somehow got caught up and created a nice 'flapper' just under my nostril. That sucker took about 15-20 minutes to stop, with alternating rounds of applying an ice cube and styptic pencil. Healed up in a few days, but damn, that stung pretty good! I have since employeed a sort of sideways blade buffing technique around my nostrils with great success!
Was about 2 months into DE shaving and had tried a few different older Gillettes and was getting good shaves with them, a few little nick but nothing that didn't stop bleeding by the time I'd finished the shave. Got a Fatip and the first shave with it put a 1cm long gash in my cheek just to the side of my mouth. Took about a few weeks to heal and I have a scar there now that is slowly fading. The Fatip still freaks me out. It's not like my other razors. For me it needs 100% attention and a very light touch.
I've gone pretty near BBS with an assortment of blades, including Feathers (which caused irritation and didn't get very close). My cheap Chinese razor must be on the mild side.
My first time trying a DE was a bloody mess. It took me a while to get the feel of not using ANY pressure on the razor and getting the angle just right. I'm using feathers in a '47 crat and get BBS or near BBS every time now. I do have a problem area at the bottom of my neck on the right side I'm still trying to get figured out though.
Casting my mind which is sometimes hard to do, as I'm 64, "LOL",but always remember my first attempt
with a DE razor.
My face was something like Freddy Krugers, or near it anyway.
I have to laugh now about it, as I had tissues stuck all over my face, and being young at the time thought I would give up going out that night.
My Dad just laughed in a nice way, and told me what I was doing wrong.
After that I was ok.
My three big trouble spots are my lower lip, and above the lip hair is really tough there, so a sharp blade always, also under my right part of
the neck the hair does not grow down but across, and always takes a good few sweeps to get rid of it.

I still get nicks now, and again, but thats my own fault because I have used a blunt blade, or the wife's been trying to get my attention
which seems to always put me off, and the air turns blue under my breath .
Do like quite when I'm shaving, as I get to enjoy it more, and it sets me up for the day.
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I get weepers all the time with my Red Tip but Never with my Krona. I never get any bleeding with Gem SE so I am fast becoming a LOSER!
So I see all the horror stories of weepers, and I can't help but wonder...how long were you at it before your first cut? I'm about two and a half weeks in and have yet to draw more than a speck of blood. I'm not so naive as to think it because I'm that good, so dazzle me with your tales of bloodlessness!

I have no idea. My first DE shave was more than 50 years ago. It's been about a month since my last nick.
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