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Smilies Abound!

Howdy all,

This is just an announcement to let everyone know that we have added a veritable boatload of new smilies. 179 in fact, for a grand total of 190 smilies! :a14:

To access the vast library of smilies, just click the "More" link under the Smilies when creating a post. When the smilie window pops up, simply click on the smiley you wish to use, and voila!

I'd love to show off all the smileys in this post, but I don't want to ruin the surprise. For now, I'll ride my trusty steed off into the sunset. :a24:

Cheers! :a8:

Glad you guys like.

If you have any suggestions for smilies, or smilies that you would like added, send them on over! :em2300:
mark the shoeshine boy said:
is that all your shave creams and soaps together ???

mark tssb
If you insist, I have 17 different soaps on top of the lavoratory and 2 or 3 times that many under the sink....
Now are you all happy that you have exposed my SSAD difficulties? :a19:
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