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Small Altoids Tin for Travel

I'll be doing some traveling over the holidays and I was thinking I may put some soft soap (P.160 or Valobra) in a small altoid's tin. Has anyone done this? Can you think of any reason why this wouldn't work?

Unless you brush is really small (like a Burma Shave Boar size) I think it would be difficult to effectively load the brush in a container that small. Perhaps you want to try a really small gladware container instead?

I would also be concerned that the brush hairs might get trapped into the metal edges of the box.
Michiganlover has a good point, but it might work if you scoop some of the soft soap out and "smear" it on your palm or a bowl and lather from there. In that case, you could use cream just as well.

Unless you brush is really small (like a Burma Shave Boar size) I think it would be difficult to effectively load the brush in a container that small. Perhaps you want to try a really small gladware container instead?

I would also be concerned that the brush hairs might get trapped into the metal edges of the box.

I have a small Edwin Jagger travel brush and wanted to find a container that was relatively flat, what about the larger altoid tin?
I use the small Altoids tin as a blade bank. Works perfectly.

I don't think I would use it for soap. I use cream when I travel. I buy small travel tubes and put my favorite cream in there and I'm good to go.
I think these are made out of steel (check it with a magnet), so you run the risk of it rusting and getting rust in the soap.
Rust was my first thought as well. Have you considered a shave stick? DR Harris makes a nice one and it isn't very big so it doesn't take up much space.
Perhaps you want to try a really small gladware container instead?

That is what I used the last time I went to see my parents. The gladware worked well, but definitely not as well as my OS mug or VDH bowl. I may just get a tube of cream next time, though.
It would probably work - but I think there are better alternatives (as mentioned) such as proper stick holders, or plastic tubs.
I have a valobra shave stick and a couple brass shave stick holders. The valobra shave stick is a little wide for the container and needs to be shaved down some on the sides but I'm a little lazy.
It should work fine. I used to use a clean Kiwi shoe polish tin. Just dry it off after you shave and leave it uncovered on your sink until you need to pack up again. I never had any rust issues.
How about packing a lip balm tube with a soft soap and using it as a mini shave stick? You can buy the empty tubes, but you could also just reuse an empty one (or empty one out!) I imagine you'd get about a dozen shaves or so off that much soap.

Tell you what, I have some Valobra here and some empty tubes. I'm gonna try it! I'll let you know!:wink2:
OK, that was fast!:001_tongu

Yes, that works very well indeed. I just stuffed the Valobra down into the tube a little at a time (start to fill with the mechanism all the way up, and lower a bit at a time as you fill to avoid having a big air bubble at the bottom)

The Valobra I have is a bit soft to just use like a shave stick, so I just wiped off some from the end of the tube and smooshed it on my face and started lathering from there. Worked fine! I used about 1/8 inch or maybe a bit more from the tube. Looks like 10 shaves in there.

This would work really well with glycerin soaps you could melt, or grated tallow soaps. With the harder soaps, I think you'd be able to just use it as a regular "rub it on your beard" shave stick.

Here's a link to a place that sells not only the regular "chap-stick" sized tubes, but they have other oval ones that might be really good for this. I could see making up a travel kit with a few flavors in it. Easy to store, the soap won't be wet when you cap it, and there's enough there for a decent number of shaves.

How about packing a lip balm tube with a soft soap and using it as a mini shave stick? You can buy the empty tubes, but you could also just reuse an empty one (or empty one out!) I imagine you'd get about a dozen shaves or so off that much soap.

Now that is an interesting idea. May have to try that sometime!!!
I like the chapstick idea.

I use a small 1oz screwtop container for creams, but a softer soap could work in it...but trying to load the brush (even my small Wee Scot) could take some time.
A puck of soap will travel well on it's own, the size isn't an issue. The issue is storing it when it's wet. I use Proraso soap for that reason because it comes in a tub that's perfect for travel. Some vendors sell empty soap containers that you can put any kind you want into them, which works well for travel.


Wanting for wisdom
Shave stick (didn't wait for the Irisch Moos for God knows how long for nothing) or tube cream (Proraso) works well for me. Lather in the palm of my had when travelling.
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