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Slippery when wet

I have a Muhle r89 long my problem and frustration is when my hands are wet and rinse razor between passes the handle gets slippery and for me it's hard to keep control. My fathers old Gillette has much better kneerling and has better grip when wet. Any advise?
Get a Weber or Ikon or UFO or any other similar handle. Or make your own Ugly Dog handle... :biggrin1:

...or don't let your shaving hand get wet. That's actually what I do.
Alum is king for slippery fingers, just rub them on your block and resume shaving. Best tip I've ever used when I started with my Futur!
Great idea with Alum on fingers will try it. Would rather not change handle Paid $$ for razor .
The EJ DE89 and Muhle R89 have great heads but poor handles. No reason to stick with the bad. Just take the best of it and make it even better with a different handle.
I have a much better shave if I ditch the Muhle handle.
They're quite nice to look at, but the grip on a Weber or Ikon handle is superior.
I've not used a UFO, but I expect they would be fine.
Bullgoose is having a sale on cadet razors they have a nice heavy handle with great knurling pretty cheap
The Toro Mastiff handle from Matador (Sabi sells the same thing) is darn grippy. It's heavy if you like that.

A fat handle from a tech is almost as grippy as that. It's light if you like that.

Either option is much gripper than the Muhle handle.

Tech fat handle for me.
I've heard of people putting rubber bands or those black rubber washers from the hardware store around razor handles that they use in the shower. I haven't tried it but in theory it might help and it's not expensive to do. Not nearly as nice as a new knurled handle though.
That is the disappointment with the EJ89. The grip is not good. An improvement could be slipping a tube over the handle. 8mm silicone tube should do the job. They use it for vacuum hoses. Also 8mm latex tube used for spinning lures will also do the job.


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My favourite song off that album is....oh wait, this isn't the Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet discussion thread :blink:

Alum is king for slippery fingers, just rub them on your block and resume shaving. Best tip I've ever used when I started with my Futur!

that's about the only time I use alum.

After I rinse my face, I rub it between a couple fingers.

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