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Slim VS Fatboy

These are some pretty sought after razors at the moment. If you have one, you can either sell it for a lot, or at the very least make a decent trade. How do you distinguish these two razors exactly? The Fatboy is a shorter handled TTO and the knurling is different, I know that.

The big question is, is the distinguishing factor between the two that indicator for the adjusting knob? It seems like the Slims I have all have a black indicator, while the Fatboys have a red indicator. Is this a thing?
The bottom edge of the settings dial-ring has a bevel on the Slim, while the 195 Adjustable's ring bottom edge is squared off. The length difference isn't a large one, although the handle thickness is chunkier on the older razor, which only became the "Fat" one after the "Slim" replaced it.
cwlsmith said:
The big question is, is the distinguishing factor between the two that indicator for the adjusting knob?

Both the Fat Boy and the Slim Adjustable are superb vintage adjustable Gillette DE razors. The left razor in the photo is a non-adjustable Blue Star Lady Gillette, the middle razor is a Slim Adjustable, and the one on the right is a Fat Boy. It is easy to see that the Slim has a slightly longer and narrower handle than the Fat Boy. The knurling is different on each, but all are excellent nonetheless. The color of the adjustment indicator on the Slim is black, while it's red on the Fat Boy. The shape of the head on the Fat Boy is slightly more "domed" than on the Slim. The Lady Gillette weighs in at 55 grams, the Slim at 71 grams, and the Fat Boy at 77 grams. You can't go wrong with any of these vintage Gillette's that you can still find in excellent condition. Considering that all three of these in my photo are 50+ years old and that they still function as well today as the day they came off the assembly line, it's hard to argue about "value," which to me is a completely different issue from "worth." Personally, I tend to use the Slim 90% of the time, but I think that's just a matter of my shaving technique having been perfected for my shaving style and beard type by using it more often and becoming more comfortable with its weight and balance, thereby developing a style that works best for me with my preference of razor/blade combination. When you find the perfect combination that works best for you that provides consistently close, smooth, irritation free shaves, stick with it. Good luck!

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