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Slapping my face

Now, this is probably old news and common sense to your more seasoned wet shavers...but...newbies like myself we 'discover' things all the time...and the last one was a complete revelation a couple of shaves ago: 'Slapping' my face with the brush creates an amazingly rich lather!

What I did (Face Lathering using Mystic Water Unscented Soap and generic no-name badger brush):
- regular circular motion to transfer the soap from the brush to my face, more agressively as I go and after adding some drops of water.
- mixing in some 'left and right paintstrokes' to move around the lather.

Then, I remembered seeing one of these half-naked-youtube-shaving-guys kinda 'slapping' the brush across his face (side to side) once he had some good lather on it and I gave it a try.

Holy Moly...the lather got really thick and rich. How did I not know this?! :)

I am not sure if this is because the agressive 'slaps' adds air to the lather or what it is..but I loved it (and yes...it felt good too...) and will continue to do it!

This IS a common practice yes?
Speaking of...shaving of course.
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Hi, My name is Tulsa77 and I.... am a lather slapper. I know It sounds odd at first, but when the Lather starts flying around the bathroom... Well that is just heaven. Lather slapper shout out to all those who don't consider it a good shave unless you need to clean the lather from the mirror.
Sounds like the beginning of a new group to me. I've never been one for slapping lather around though. Takes too much effort.
I had this discovery a couple weeks ago as well. My lather has definitely improved.

To think I used to bowl lather!
6 years of wet-shaving and this is the first time I've heard of lather slapping. Sure, I'll give it a try.
Enjoyed some great slapping this morning, only one problem for me; my clean-up time has doubled! :confused1

(we are still talking about shaving lather aren't we?)
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I suspect that the proponents of lather-slapping have a maid or other household minion to clean the bathroom after lather is splattered all over the place! :ohmy:
Gave this a little try today...Especially after watching the lather vids from MW Soaps. Had the perfect brush for it too. Turned the Mike's Natural Hungarian lather into a truly decadent experience! :001_smile

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You should always finish off lather application by "painting" your face with your brush. This is what you have found and call "slapping"
You should always finish off lather application by "painting" your face with your brush. This is what you have found and call "slapping"

I've always finished off the application by "painting", but this is what I would call a more vigorous :wink2: painting!
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