I have to, or else I have a pretty bad and irritated face on a next day shave. I dont grow enough. A next day shave for me is kind of like when you push a final ATG pass when you probably shouldn't.
When I used Mach 3's I always skipped a day. Been wet shaving for a couple weeks and still skip a day now and then. The only difference is now when I skip A day I can't wait to shave again. That and two days growth with DE shaving is the same as one days growth with the Mach 3.
I always skipped a day or 2 when I was using a mach 3 as I hated shaving so much. These days I rarely do it, only if I've given myself a bit of razor burn or been otherwise careless. I'm like Rorpen when I do skip a day I'm raring to go the next day!
I've always skipped a day. For as long as I shave. It doesn't grow back that fast and also out of convenience. My working environment doesn't require me to shave every day either. Don't get me wrong: I like shaving and the ritual doing so.
I normally have to go 2 or 3 days without shaving. It's a mix of slow-growing facial hair and just flat out not having 30 minutes to shave before work. Working 11 hour days every day doesn't leave you with much personal grooming time.
I rarely skip a day. I'm retired and I don't know how I'd fill that 20 minute time slot in my day. I can't say that I enjoy the shave better with the longer beard.
I used to skip on the weekends. I looked forward to not shaving. When on leave I would grow a beard/goatee etc. I'm on a long leave between duty stations and I am shaving nearly every day because it is such a fun relaxing ritual!
I think my ideal time between shaves is 36 hr. One day (especially when I get a good BBS the morning before) is just a bit too soon. But I do often do it for work. I can skip if I want/need to, but more than not I choose to do it every day. On those 'second days' I'll just do a 2 pass & totally skip ATG.
Weekends I do normally skip once if not twice, just b/c I'm either being lazy or just have other stuff going on that is more pressing to me.
I should and could skip days but I keep being drawn into the bathroom to shave. I would like to skip a day as it make my week flow better and I dont look like a hobo if I skip. Other than enjoying shaving what criteria dictates a neccesity to shave is it look or feel? If its look I can skip a day or two but if its feel then its everyday.
Every other day works for me. My face breaks out in rashes and ingrown hairs if I I do everyday. My beard is light enough, and grows slowly, so I don't have to worry about an everyday shave.
Somewhat. When I was using my carts, I shaved daily because the head feels great when BBS. Ever since DE shaving, I go about 36 hrs. in between because my results are soo much better and last soo much longer.