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Skintimate. My experience...

So this morning I was in a bit of a hurry and I decided to shave in the shower. I realized that I didn't have any shaving cream in the shower so I used my wife's Skintimate for Legs.


This stuff doesn't lather and it's not supposed to but i gave me an amazing shave!!! It was one of my best shaves since picking up the D/E habit. I was very happy overall. Anyone else ever use this product? It could never take the place of my soaps and creams but it sure did work well in a pinch.
I've used it in the shower before with a cartridge blade. It's pretty good, but no better than Aveeno gel, among others that are widely available. The scents are certainly better.
Yesterday at my work I mentioned how I hadn't gotten a great shave and since I like the smell of this Shea butter moisturizer I should get some cream with that in it. Well one of my female managers replied about how she got such great results with Skintimate that had olive butter in it. She also told me about an Italian Barber shop near her where I can get a Straight razor shave. I told her she should try some Cremo Cream for a good brushless cream.

Well being curious if Skintimates could lather I did a search here and sure enough its been tried! Thanks for the heads up.
I used it on my legs when I was really heavy into road cycling. Good stuff. Not too bad for a face shave but the scent was a bit overpowering.
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