Just for grins, if I wanted to see how they shave, which one would you recommend as a beginning razor ?
I like the Gem Micromatic Clog-Pruf. All SE's are aggressive but this one is a little less so than most. It gives me the smoothest shaves.
Featherweight or GEM Contour
I tried to sell those two models at what I thought was a good price for the pair with no luck.
Yes these two razors are frequently overlooked, but if you are looking to try shaving with an SE blade both the Contour and Featherweight are very forgiving and good shavers. I learned SE shaving with a Featherweight before trying other types. Very good for a newbie IMHO, especially the Contour and it is usually possible to buy them for excellent prices such as the ones you have for sale.
This is another one of those wetshaving "It Depends", or the oft mis-used ymmv . The Contour & Featherweight are both, well, duh on me, lightweights. If that is the weight of your normal DE they would be good. However, if your normal DE is a Sledgehammer Slant, Fatboy, etc, then the Micromatics have a lot more mass & momentum. Depends on your shaving experience, techniques, and desires.
Here the Micromatics rule, but the others sneak in now & again