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Single Blade October>

Day 3 with a Feather 5th shave in my Roedter 1909.

Didnt went as smooth as I'd like to with the same setup.
But no razorburn!

So we're going for the 6th shave tomorrow.
Day 4 and 6 shaves with the Astra. The razor is still shaving but you can certainly tell it's not new. It takes a touch more pressure to shave and it drags a bit. Or rather it's not effortless. Still no burn, nicks or other problems. Not BBS today but that's ok.

This is a very interesting test.
Day 4 - Feather 6th shave and also the last. :(

Today's shave has been a demotivation to continue this thread for me as a joiner.

The shave reminded me at the period when i just got into this DE/ SR shaving.
Where shaving should be a utter pleasing and joyful diligence.

I missed that totally today. So excuse me guys. I'm outta here!
Good Luck with this marathon!
Day 4 - Feather 6th shave and also the last. :(

Today's shave has been a demotivation to continue this thread for me as a joiner.

The shave reminded me at the period when i just got into this DE/ SR shaving.
Where shaving should be a utter pleasing and joyful diligence.

I missed that totally today. So excuse me guys. I'm outta here!
Good Luck with this marathon!

No prob at all... you should never push blades beyond what works well. So just curious, what tools are you using, and what blade angle (assuming your razor is aggressive enough to allow a choice)?
I'm in. I have a huge back stock of Astra SPs, and I'm in the mood to stick with them for a while.

Incidentally, I had a great 4th shave with an Astra in a Tech this morning. The Astras give me at least five good shaves per blade, often six.
I'm in. I have a huge back stock of Astra SPs, and I'm in the mood to stick with them for a while.

Incidentally, I had a great 4th shave with an Astra in a Tech this morning. The Astras give me at least five good shaves per blade, often six.

I think you will just need one blade for the month.
Really! Well, I humbly bow out. One blade for 30 days? When I have 1400 Astras? They'd have to bury me with them!
No prob at all... you should never push blades beyond what works well. So just curious, what tools are you using, and what blade angle (assuming your razor is aggressive enough to allow a choice)?
I'm currently using a Roedter 1909 which is basically a Fatip except for the top cap. That makes it THEE most aggressive DE razor out there.
Here you can see the blade exposure and blade gap. Due to this design you really can play with the angle.

BUT i have the best shaves with a shallow angle (blade almost parallel with skin).
And it also feels allot better when it cuts through the whiskers instead of scraping them off whilst steep angle.

Usually i get 3 very good shaves with this razor and a Feather blade. But due to the aggressiveness it gave me a horrible shave.
Even the whiskers on my cheeks felt quiet painful to cut through.

Well its a bit of a shame that I couldn't prolong because somehow i think its a milestone if you can have many shaves with a single blade. That's just fantastic and besides very economical (not that blades are expensive) but consider me using up 10 blades while you only used one!!

Really! Well, I humbly bow out. One blade for 30 days? When I have 1400 Astras? They'd have to bury me with them!
LoL, 1400 astras that sir. Are many!!
Do you only have astras or also other blade brands?
3gor4... I have some Indian Wilkinsons (which I like a lot) and a few Voskhods. But I really like Astras. I had 600 Labs, formerly my #1 blade, but when I tried Astras again after having avoided them for several years, I sold the Labs and stocked up. I also have 100 Astra SS blades. I've tried a lot of blades, but for my face, only GSBs are as good as Astras.

And the blade gap on that Roedter is really intimidating!
Day 5 - No shave! I was so busy yesterday I didn't have time to shave, let alone shave. Oh boy.

Day 6 - Vintage English Wilkinson Sword - currently with 25 shaves on it.
I'm currently using a Roedter 1909 which is basically a Fatip except for the top cap. That makes it THEE most aggressive DE razor out there.
View attachment 503748
Here you can see the blade exposure and blade gap. Due to this design you really can play with the angle.

BUT i have the best shaves with a shallow angle (blade almost parallel with skin).
And it also feels allot better when it cuts through the whiskers instead of scraping them off whilst steep angle.

Usually i get 3 very good shaves with this razor and a Feather blade. But due to the aggressiveness it gave me a horrible shave.
Even the whiskers on my cheeks felt quiet painful to cut through.

Well its a bit of a shame that I couldn't prolong because somehow i think its a milestone if you can have many shaves with a single blade. That's just fantastic and besides very economical (not that blades are expensive) but consider me using up 10 blades while you only used one!!

LoL, 1400 astras that sir. Are many!!
Do you only have astras or also other blade brands?

Shallow angle.. Check. Well, so I guess my next question would be what is your prep routine? As you saw in my post that I mentioned I think prep is probably #1 on the list of things that get you longer blade life. Could you describe your process?
Shallow angle.. Check. Well, so I guess my next question would be what is your prep routine? As you saw in my post that I mentioned I think prep is probably #1 on the list of things that get you longer blade life. Could you describe your process?

Hot shower, wash my face with Aleppo soap, after shower face lathering, than making lather in a bowl, rinse, lather up and than 1st pass, rinse and 2nd pass...
Sometimes i do use preshave but not so often anymore with good soap.

Personally I think my prep is good and has always worked good for me... but i would like your opinion also!
Hot shower, wash my face with Aleppo soap, after shower face lathering, than making lather in a bowl, rinse, lather up and than 1st pass, rinse and 2nd pass...
Sometimes i do use preshave but not so often anymore with good soap.

Personally I think my prep is good and has always worked good for me... but i would like your opinion also!

Nope, that's pretty good. Now in my case, I've got the workout I do before my shave and that may be a factor here. It's basically an hour of water/heat/salt contact before I even step into the shower. I don't know if that can be duplicated using any normal type prep. It sounds like you've got everything going on right, and 3 shaves is just your number. No harm in that!
Nope, that's pretty good. Now in my case, I've got the workout I do before my shave and that may be a factor here. It's basically an hour of water/heat/salt contact before I even step into the shower. I don't know if that can be duplicated using any normal type prep. It sounds like you've got everything going on right, and 3 shaves is just your number. No harm in that!

At the moment im at my work till the 15th of October.
When i get home I'm definitely gonna do the exercise before showering.

Sometimes when i do some sports and come home. I chill out and after that take a shower.
Never jumped sweaty in the shower and shaved after it.

Nice one, thanks for the tip!

So how is everybody holding on the single blade october?
Day 6 and 8 shaves with the Astra. The razor is still shaving but you can certainly tell it's not new. It takes some pressure to shave and it scrapes. Just a touch of burn when before there was always zero. no nicks or other problems. Not BBS for the last three days. I am not pushing for BBS because I know I won't like the result. I am still intrigued enough to continue.
Day 7, 7th shave with the 7 o'clock Permasharp (too many sevens there, don't you think?)

5th of this month, but sadly I will have to let go of this blade. It sort of suddenly dropped it's sharpness today - lots of tugging and skipping. In fact, I was contemplating on changing the blade mid shave. No weepers / nicks / cuts though.

I will, however, continue with a new blade of the same brand, and hopefully that will see me till the end of the month.
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