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Simpsons hair loss

Dear wet-shavers,

I would like to talk in this thread about a really annoying problem. So, I am the almost-happy owner of a (very) expensive Simpsons CH2 Best brush, and, when I use it for my daling ritual shave, I loose one or more bristles.

There can be several reasons explaining this (I repeat) annoying phenomenon:

- the quality of the brush .... why not
- my 'lathering' technic .... explained later
- I am too stupid to use a high-quality brush ..... no comment

Here, I think that some explanations about my lathering technic could be interesting. So, it will be quite simple, I use the technic described in the thread written by Scotto (thanks to him) "Glycerin Soap Tutorial - Part 2" (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=439)

: When I use my Kent BK4, the technic is the same but no bristles loss.

I called my supplier to explain the problem and he told me that it's normal ... personnally, I have some doubts ....

So, if anyone has a comment or a suggestion .... it will be very appriciated.

Thanks for your help

jean-pierre said:
Dear wet-shavers,

I would like to talk in this thread about a really annoying problem. So, I am the almost-happy owner of a (very) expensive Simpsons CH2 Best brush, and, when I use it for my daling ritual shave, I loose one or more bristles.

There can be several reasons explaining this (I repeat) annoying phenomenon:

- the quality of the brush .... why not
- my 'lathering' technic .... explained later
- I am too stupid to use a high-quality brush ..... no comment

Here, I think that some explanations about my lathering technic could be interesting. So, it will be quite simple, I use the technic described in the thread written by Scotto (thanks to him) "Glycerin Soap Tutorial - Part 2" (http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=439)

: When I use my Kent BK4, the technic is the same but no bristles loss.

I called my supplier to explain the problem and he told me that it's normal ... personnally, I have some doubts ....

So, if anyone has a comment or a suggestion .... it will be very appriciated.

Thanks for your help

Hello jean-pierre,
Two things you failed to mention
  1. how old (new?) is this brush
  2. how many hairs are lost per shave
It is considered normal for some manufacturers brushes to lose a few hairs for the first few weeks of use. This is commonly called the break-in period. Really with adequate combing at the manufacturer's bench, this all but disappears. If we are talking about more than a dozen hairs or so per shave after the first week, then there are other potential quality-of-manufacture issues.

I guess your CH2 is brand new; so i wouldn't worry about losing a few hairs in the first weeks; Simpson brushes are built like a tank and you can really beat the hell out of them, the way Methodshavers do; they really batter their brushes quite hefty and still their Simpsons survive without any damage.
Just be patient........:wink:

Ron and Peter,

Thanks for your quicks replies.

To answer the questions of Ron, I bought the brush at the end of March (2006). And, let's say that the brush looses one to maximum five bristles per shave. So I agree that it's not a lot but I just want to determine if it's the normal break-in period or a real defect.

I will wait for a few weeks before beginning to really worry :wink:

Nonetheless, many thanks for your invaluable help.



jean-pierre said:
Ron and Peter,

Thanks for your quicks replies.

To answer the questions of Ron, I bought the brush at the end of March (2006). And, let's say that the brush looses one to maximum five bristles per shave. So I agree that it's not a lot but I just want to determine if it's the normal break-in period or a real defect.

I will wait for a few weeks before beginning to really worry :wink:

Nonetheless, many thanks for your invaluable help.


You are losing too many hairs, Jean-Pierre: the brush should have settled down by now. Simpsons makes excellent products. My own CH1 Super lost a few hairs during the first two weeks, but then stabilized nicely. A count of, say, five hairs a day after a month of use is excessive--time to get serious with your vendor, before it is too late to secure a proper exchange.
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