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Simpson decal replacement info

Hello all. Just received a vintage Simpson butterscotch beauty in the mail from a winning bid on the 'bay. Looks to be an Emperor series handle. A large one at that. I plan on restoring this one in the future, and wondered what is the process/price of obtaining replacement decals? Also, is there a method of preserving them after installation? I also have a vintage butterscotch (really more mustard) Burma beehive handle for restoring that has a mostly intact decal I would like to preserve.

Thanks guys!

Thanks brooks....I figured that would be the process. I will run down their email now.

Anyone else care to comment on the preservation of a newly installed or preexisting decal?
I'm wondering that too. I just got my first Simpson brush, and I'm scared to hold it by the part with the sticker. :001_unsur
Jedis still exist even when they pass...

Some use clear nail polish. I have seen decal sealer as well, typically used on models. I am in the camp of let it go and keep a decal in the box.
Did you win the unlabeled brush with the two other vintage brushes? I was so tempted to throw my hat in on that one. If that was you, you got a good deal.
Did you win the unlabeled brush with the two other vintage brushes? I was so tempted to throw my hat in on that one. If that was you, you got a good deal.

Don't think so. This one was with one other brush. A cream colored Peerless with a box. The brushes were in Canada. The seller thought the Simpson brush was also a Peerless because it fit in the box better than the smaller cream colored one. Even though the photo's were blurry and grainy, I still could make out the "tan lines" of the Simpson sticker! Got them for $18.61 + I think $8 shipping. I was sure surprised with the size though.....this Simpson Emperor is a beast! Looks to be a tad over 2.5" tall and every bit of 1.5" thick, of course not counting the worn out knot. I think it will clean up and polish out very nice....deep caramel color.

Thanks for the replies gentlemen. I've sent Vulfix an email.....we'll see what transpires. I'm not so worried about the Simpson decal since they are available....supposedly. But I am keen on protecting what is left of the Burma sticker on the beehive handle....it's going to make a sweet chubby!

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