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Silly question?

Hey guys,

i have been using a shavette for about a week now and just started wondering. Is there a limit to the length of beard i should be shaving?? What i mean is... With a cartridge razor anything over 3 or 4 days growth just sort of pulls and clogs up the razor.
is there any sort of length limit a straight will cut or can i attack a full beard with one?
Generally i will use electric clippers to shorten the beard to an acceptable length and then shave.
i look forward to your responses.
I have yet to delve into the world of straights/shavettes, but I can definitely shave longer growth more comfortably with my DE than I could with cartridges.

Browsing YouTube though, it is definitely possible to shave a full beard.

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Wow, hopefully i will become that quick. I did notice a considerable number of passes without shaving cream/soap. I think if it were me i would have lathered up again.
Nice to know how long you can really shave though.
Thanks for that.
In general there is no limit on what beard length a straight can shave. Nothing there to be clogged up. However, for beginners it is recommended not to start with multiple days of growth.

From my own experience with my Feather AC RG straight I have to be careful not to shave off my beard when shaving my cheeks and neck. I actually went back to using a DE for my cheeks, because it was just too easy to reshape my beard by accident with the Feather AC.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
It can be a foot long and still fall to the mighty straight razor. But for convenience sake, if it is long enough to attack with clippers, then clipperize first before you straight razorize. Just my suggestion.
When my beard is several days long, which is often, I do my first pass with my DE, followed by my second and any clean up with my straight. I just find that easier, and the results are always at least DFS.
Being able to shave long whiskers was part of the appeal of the straight razor to me. I tend to go several days to a week or more between shaves and it can start to be pretty bushy. Always was a pain with a cart or even a DE because of the constant rinsing.

With the straight its no problem, like the video

Here is another using a feather, action starts about 7 minutes in.....

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If you ever have cause to grow a beard for a couple of weeks, or better still, months, you will have a blast taking it off with a straight. Been there, done that. Can't get a better demonstration of the power and versatility of a straight. The one pass removal, cleanly and irritation free, with a straight is the pay off for not shaving for however long it was. I would never consider using clippers first. Save that for cartridges and DEs where clogging makes it mandatory. Kudos to the posters who pulled those videos back up.
What a great video and done with such enthusiasm!

Does this spark the debate of machine made blades being sharper than regular straights?
I have found many conflicting opinions, but i cant comment as the only straight shave i have had is with a shavette!
i cant wait to get my first proper straight, and have decided on the invisible edge branded classic. This is a dovo best i believe only with a beautiful blade etching!

i think its time to get a few days growth to shave. I don't know how easy this will be as i am finding I cant wait to pick up my razor every morning! This is a strange feeling for me to have about shaving!
i think i am feeling my blade dull a little, is this normal after 3 shaves? Thanks.

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