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Silicon Carbide for Lapping

I'm thinking of using Silicon Carbide powder to lap some Arkies. Can anyone suggest a source for getting an assortment of grits in a smaller quantity? Or, can what needs to be done be done with one grit? I have a good bit of material on one stone I'd like to remove, but can polish with wet dry after that.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Lee Valley has carbide grits for lapping planes and what not. IIRC it can lead to dishing in the middle, but I forget what you had to do to avoid it. Something about the grit accumulating in the center or sumthin' but it could just be an internet falsehood.
I use Silicon Carbide for all my lapping needs.
I can't remember where I got it. I'll keep searching, but I go 220, 320, then 400g w/d sandpaper, then 800, then 1000, then 2000 (overkill, probably)
I use Silicon Carbide for all my lapping needs.
I can't remember where I got it. I'll keep searching, but I go 220, 320, then 400g w/d sandpaper, then 800, then 1000, then 2000 (overkill, probably)

What do you put the powder on? Glass? Lapping Plate?
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