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Show Off Your DE Collection!

Hello everyone, I thought it would be cool to have a thread where everyone is able to post their collections, whether large or small. I looked for a thread such as this and could not find one, only a few individual collections, but I apologize if there is already a thread.

I am 23 and have been collecting/wet shaving for a little over a year now. Although, recently I have been trying expand my collection with higher-quality cased razors. My most recent acquisitions are the Cavalier and Milady Decollette

Some highlights of my collection:
Near Mint Milord w/ Shipper, NOS Blades & Instructions
Excellent Cased Fatboy
Cavalier Set! Brush Missing, Hairline Crack On Handle, Case Top Disconnected (I have it though, its just not pictured.)
Regular & Flair Tip Rocket
Cased Flair Tip-Complete

I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether or not the handle in my pocket edition set is an actual Gillette handle? It is silver plated like the head but I have never seen another Gillette handle like it.

I look forward to seeing some awesome collections!
@Shenanigans: Thank you sir!

@Taco: Well, I actually prefer a milder shave so the razors I use most often are less aggressive shavers.

The razor I use the most would be my other non-cased Fatboy on setting 2. The other two would probably be a Super-Speed (either Flair Tip or Regular) and a Blue Tip Super Speed.

And WOW, you have some pretty amazing razors, I think you've beat me! :001_tongu Is that a Darwin in the back!? What 3 do you use the most?
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Thanks, it is indeed a Darwin. My top 2 are the Tech and Flare Tip, the last spot is a tie between the rest. I prefer mild razors as well.
I've always wondered, what the Darwin shave like?

It reminds me of 3 razors combined: Feather AS-D1 (tricky to find the angle), New OC (gets those tricky hairs), Weber Polished (efficient without wanting to bite you). Out of those 3, the shaves from the Darwin seem most comparable to the Weber, IMO and YMMV of course.


Smoking a corn dog in aviators and a top hat
Here's my DE collection.


Arranged in mostly chronological order, except for the Tech and Super Speed top left. Looks better that way. The Old Type bottom left is a Frankenrazor, with a NEW handle.
Hello everyone, I thought it would be cool to have a thread where everyone is able to post their collections, whether large or small. I looked for a thread such as this and could not find one, only a few individual collections, but I apologize if there is already a thread.

I am 23 and have been collecting/wet shaving for a little over a year now. Although, recently I have been trying expand my collection with higher-quality cased razors. My most recent acquisitions are the Cavalier and Milady Decollette

Some highlights of my collection:
Near Mint Milord w/ Shipper, NOS Blades & Instructions
Excellent Cased Fatboy
Cavalier Set! Brush Missing, Hairline Crack On Handle, Case Top Disconnected (I have it though, its just not pictured.)
Regular & Flair Tip Rocket
Cased Flair Tip-Complete

I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether or not the handle in my pocket edition set is an actual Gillette handle? It is silver plated like the head but I have never seen another Gillette handle like it.

I look forward to seeing some awesome collections!

Great idea for a thread but I already have my most recent pics in this thread - so I'll just link it. Some more arrivals since then of course.

Love you Cavalier set - awesome!

The handle in the Pocket Edition is not a Gillette handle as far as I can tell.
Great idea for a thread but I already have my most recent pics in this thread - so I'll just link it. Some more arrivals since then of course.

Love you Cavalier set - awesome!

The handle in the Pocket Edition is not a Gillette handle as far as I can tell.

Thanks Mark! Seeing your collections was actually what made me want to start this thread and post my collection! You have an amazing collection, it is just beautiful! I hope that one day I'll have a collection of the same caliber as yours.

And thanks, even though my Cavalier set isn't that shiny, it is my pride and joy! What are your top three favorites in your collection?

Lastly, thanks for the info on the handle, I thought it wasn't a stock handle. I just wonder who the manufacturer is?

@Redzone: Well AD is hard to overcome!

@Mendel: Thanks!
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@brucered - very impressive! I like the way you set it up here with the thumbnails, thanks for sharing. I never used a Red Ring, what are your impressions, what is another razor it compares well to?
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