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Show n Tell (old straight razors)

Hi all - forum newbie here. At the encouragement of my intro thread I snapped a few pics of some old straight razors (mostly from my grandpa)


I'm pretty sure I have another, actually my favorite one, but I'm not sure where it is at the moment. I'm sure I put it somewhere I'd remember exactly where it was for convenient viewing. :rolleyes: Also when I say favorite remember I know nothing about any of these, it just looks the nicest to my ignorant eye.

If anybody wants to educate me on these feel free. Knowing my grandpa I wouldn't be surprised if they're junk and I wouldn't be surprised if they were geniune collector's items as he had a lot of both of various items.
I haven't touched them in the 10-15 years since my grandpa gave them to me, and I doubt if he'd touched them for any number of decades, so "neglected" would be an understatement for their condition.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
I haven't touched them in the 10-15 years since my grandpa gave them to me, and I doubt if he'd touched them for any number of decades, so "neglected" would be an understatement for their condition.

They look like they are not too far away from being in good shiny condition. What are the names on the razors (can't read the photos ... )
I haven't touched them in the 10-15 years since my grandpa gave them to me, and I doubt if he'd touched them for any number of decades, so "neglected" would be an understatement for their condition.

I've seen worse turn out great. Clean 'em up, hone 'em up and give them a test drive!
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