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Should I keep my Grandfather's hone or sell it?

Would you sell or keep your Grandfather's hone?

  • Sell an heirloom

  • Keep the heirloom and maybe put it to work

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*Disclaimer* I have already decided the fate of this hone. Just curious to see which way the community would lean. Not looking for appraisals. I am aware of it's value, sentimentally and monetarily.

I have recently come across my Grandfather's straight razor and hone. Wyatt(PapaFish) is generously spending countless hours reconditioning the razor so I can use it. The hone, it turns out, is higher in value than most vintage hones. It's known to put a competition-worthy edge on axes used for sport... in Australia.

So I'm curious as to what you would do with an heirloom. Sell it or keep it?

If you're not planning on using it - and/or need the money - then I say sell it.
In the end it's just a 'thing' and if its one thing I've learnt it is that my own memories are in the end all that really matters :)
I'd sell it. People go hog wild for these things and while it's cool to have something you can occasionally point out as having been owned by your Grandfather, if you're not enjoying it as it was meant to be used then why bother?
My grandfather would have most likely had one of these because he lived in Worcester, MA where the hone was made and one of his biggest clients was the Norton Company. I only WISH I had one of these. I say keep it!
Keep it. The memories you'll have ever time you look at it are worth infinitely more than the $10-20 you'll end up from it
End of the day a poll can of course not tell you how you feel about the item.

If you feel a connection to your grandfather through it and/or feel that there is some value in passing it along to even younger family members - and you don't need the money - keep it.
I have been fortunate to obtain a good amount if my grandfathers shaving gear. Although none of it has the potential resale value of that Norton, I still couldn't bring myself to sell any of it.
I loved my grandfather. Could/would never part with anything he used that had been handed down to me. If I didn't feel that way about him, then I wouldn't feel that way about his things.

This whole discussion reminds me of the scene in Pulp Fiction when Christopher Walken gives the watch to the young boy played as an adult by Bruce Willis.
most of the vintage razors I own would have belonged to someone's grandfather. I sometimes wonder about who may have used them, you know, the stories they could tell.

I do not own anything that belonged to either of my grandfathers and I wish that I did.

unless financially you need to convert this into cash or you have other items that have grandfatherly sentimental value or it means nothing to you, I say keep it.

that being said, it doesn't look like it had much use... so maybe it wasn't a cherished item to him either...
I cannot imagine why you'd consider selling it. There are many things my family has sold which, while perhaps worthless to them, I would be thrilled to own.
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