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Should I add anything to my routine?

Warm water on face to soften hair. (should I add anything to help with this?)
Tweezerman Badger hair brush.
TOB sandalwood. (ordering a sampler from truefitt and hill)

Using a cheap Rimei razor, I have a 38c coming on on Monday. (still looking for a fatboy)
Astra plat blades, change after 2 shaves. (how soon should I change the blades? I have light to mild facial hair. and shave every day.)
With the grain, across the grain, against the grain.

Aftershave is Clubman after shave lotion.
Your prep will make more difference to your shave than almost anything else. Proper hydration and softening of the hair is critical. I would spend more time and effort here. Shower before you shave if at all possible. If not, at least 3 minutes of the hottest water you can stand in a very wet washcloth held over your beard. Every time. I shave in the shower and that works best for me. Not for everyone. Oh, and it's very important to clean your face and beard well. Dirt and oils will make it tough for the water to penetrate and hydrate. Use a good quality face scrub.

If this still doesn't help, perhaps a pre shave product like Proraso Pre/Post or something else. There are pre-shave oils, but from what I read they get mixed results. Some people say Noxzema is an excellent pre shave treatment. Easy to get hold of and try. Won't set you back much if it doesn't. Just hydrate hydrate hydrate. Did I say hydrate?

Sounds like you've got good upgrades coming as far as razors and your other products all look good. You may have to keep trying products until you find what works best for you. But what you have is good quality.
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I would suggest instead of just warm water pre shave to actually wash your face with the warm/hot water. That will help remove excess dirt/oil and dead skin prior to shaving. As far as how many shaves per blade it really depends on the person. Experiment and see what works best for you. I would also add a cold water rinse, alum, and then another cold water rinse prior to the aftershave.
blades vary for sharpness, 38c is a great razor plenty of weight for feed back, relax and enjoy the change from the multi blade world,don't go against the grain unless it feels comfortable
welcome to the house
How soon to change your Astra blades will depend on many things, including how well you (wait for it...) hydrate your whiskers. (Thanks to Jeff_H for that advice). But other things, too. You can probably change after 3 "just to be safe" but many people, particularly with lighter bears, find they last a bunch longer. I'd say you can feel them start to "tug" before they cut, and that's an indication. But you might not really be sensitive to this until after you're comfortable shaving. So... every three shaves is still conservative in most cases. Maybe every six or seven with a light beard and good prep. Or, obviously, somewhere in between.
The softer the whiskers the easier they are cut by the blade leading to a more comfortable shave. Most guys shave after they shower. I like shaving before so I make sure that my beard is ready. Washing the beard with warm water and soap followed up by lathering and leaving on for a couple of minutes while I do something else then refreshing the lather.

Make sure your lather is slick.
Hydration is probably the most important part; that and a good technique.

Suggest shaving in the shower instead of after it. Saves time and clean up work.

Finally, don't get caught up in the buying craze, which seems to afflict selected B&Bers but never anyone else you ever meet. It appears you've got everything you need now.

Good luck.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
All good advice. Unfortunately, the only way I know to really know how long you can use a blade is to use it until it doesn't give you such a good shave - hopefully early in that last shave.

Since blades are so cheap you may not feel the need to push the envelope quite to the end.
To Jeff H's point, HOT water is important. It really softens the hair and prepares it for the shave. When I first started DE shaving, I thought all of that was overrated. However, I was visiting a gym in another town that had a steam room. I decided to try to shave right after staying in the steam room for 10 minutes or so. It was the best shave I have ever had. I'm a believer now! HOT WATER, or steam if it is available. :)
Sounds good guys.

The blades are cheap enough to change every other I guess.

Post shave if you rinse the razor with the blade inside then dip it in rubbing alcohol for about three seconds and let it air dry, you will prolong the blades's life. My record with a single blade is 31 shaves. My average was about 10 shaves. I have a tough beard, shave daily in 3.5 passes. It took me a long time to get there but it is possible.
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Post shave if you rinse the razor with the blade inside then dip it in rubbing alcohol for about three seconds and let it air dry, you will prolong the blades's life. My record with a single blade is 31 shaves. My average was about 10 shaves. I have a tough beard, shave daily in 3.5 passes. It took me a long time to get there but it is possible.
Nice man, I will try that out.

Guys I tried shaving RIGHT AFTER a hot shower, and it was indeed a better shave, I am glad I came and asked!

I love this place.
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