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Short Bladed Solingen

Good Afternoon!
I have a question; I apologize if it seems stupid. My grandfather used to have a short bladed Solingen straight razor that he kept in his medicine chest. I had hoped to inherit it when he passed, but I was overseas when he died, and the house was cleaned out by other relatives. Does anyone know where I can find a razor like that one? Are modern reproductions of that type of straight razor still made? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
How short bladed? Typically straight blades are 3" long, and ones much shorter than that are usually "Corn Razors", and are listed as such on eBay fairly often. There are a few 2" and 2.5" straights, but they are pretty hard to find (though not particularly sought after, so not expensive when they turn up).
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Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I have a razor that only has a 1-3/4" or so long edge with full length scales. Turns out that it is not uncommon for a broken, bent, or badly chipped razor to be shortened.
I think it was only three inches long. I was never allowed to touch it, as I'm sure grandpa kept it razor sharp! I have a few of his belongings that I received after he passed. I have one of his coffee cups, and one of his Zippo lighters (with a ClarkLift) logo on it). He was very important to me; I was named after him, and was born on his birthday. I'd like to find a razor similiar to what I remember. I seem to recall it having black scales, and "Solingen" inscribed on the blade. Again, any assistance would be appreciated.
Straights come in pretty standard lengths. Yes a few like the DD Dwarf or shrimp are a little shorter but not that much. The really short ones you see have been either cut down or are specialty razors not designed for normal shaving.
I have a couple shorties to give you an example of what to look for.

The blades are 2" and 2.5" long. They are original (not broken and reground). And they aren't corn razors. So these things do exist. They're just few and far between.

If the razor was a 3" blade, that's what most straights are. If it was 3" overall (closed), it was likely a pocket knife that looked like a straight, maybe a very small corn razor, or some sort of novelty item. A 3" overall straight would not be something designed for shaving.
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