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Shooting raw

I've been shooting raw for awhile using my little Nikon d60 and I'm finally getting s slight upgrade to the d5100. I've got two lens and shill being eyeing a fixed lens shorty. My question to the group is, do you guys shoot in raw only or does it depend on the situation? Software wise, I'm using aperture, I do have capture nx2, but seen to like aperture better.
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With my ole canon eos 10 d, I had to shoot in raw, especially indoors as the auto white balance was awful. My new olympus omd em5 has very good auto white balance which is good because my old version of photoshop won't work with the oly raw files, and the included oly software isnt the best.

I would shoot in both jpeg and raw - that way you have the flexibility that raw offers, if you need it.



OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Raw with my slr, jpeg with my compact (it can shoot raw as well, I just don't bother)
Thanks for the replies guys, I have gotten much more selective in what I keep. I guess I will have to see how aperture processes the raw file from the d5100.
With my earlier digital cameras raw made a lot of difference. For my current one, which is a generation or two out of date, I did tests and the difference really wasn't visible in real work, so I stopped using raw. I'd encourage you to do your own tests and see if you see a difference. If you don't there is none, and you don't need to waste the disk space.
And to answer our OPs question: I shoot raw only in my DSLR. A friend of mine (who is a Pro) suggested to me quite a few years back that it is not necessary for every shot, but when you capture something very special, it is great to have that raw file and the flexibility which it allows for processing. I enjoy the ability to make minor adjustments very quickly and easily and have shot only raw since then.
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RAW for the most part but if I'm being lazy and running full auto it defaults to jpeg. Agree with other posters that its good to have flexibility an RAW affords a lot more, but to prove the point I shot a bumper on Thursday this week of a seagull hovering mid-flight at around ten minutes to dusk and I wouldn't touch it PP.
If I'm just taking snapshots, I use jpg. For important photos and for those times I get only one chance to get it right, I shoot raw.

I use DxO to process the raw images.
So far jpeg, but after I have joined the local photo club, I have started to look more into raw.

Another question related to the OP's; what software do you raw-shooting gentlemen use to convert?
So far jpeg, but after I have joined the local photo club, I have started to look more into raw.

Another question related to the OP's; what software do you raw-shooting gentlemen use to convert?

Hi Søren,

I convert my raw files in Photoshop Elements- it is such a quick and easy process.
I always shoot both on my D600. I use the RAWs 90% of the time. Jpeg is just for quick facebook posts. Also the Raws get backed up weekly and the jpegs get saved on a little portable monthly in a fire safe.

Mainly Lightroom 4.3 for post processing.
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RAW only here and I use both Aperture and iPhoto. It gives me a lot more flexibility later, even if I don't always think I'll need it when I take the shot.
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