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Shoes Again

Well thanks to you guys i've been much more concious about how i dress.... i got used quality dress shoes and just shined them for the first time ever, they look amazing! it was a remarkable satisfiying experience, i had a question though, my shoes have been getting white like spots when they get wet i think, what is that and how can i stop it? it wipes off with a wet finger but still....
I believe it is salt or other minerals that are in the water that remains behind when the water dries.

You could try one of those leather protector products that you spray on. You might try it on a pair of shoes you don't care about or just on a small spot to make sure it doesn't change the color or have any other adverse impact to your new shoes.
JPM's right. It's residue. I reccomend only one product for leather- 100% genuine beeswax. I've done Nikwax et al, and natural's better.
would mink's oil help? i have some but not sure if i should use it for the uppers.... and i will look into the beeswax and protectors
Mink-oil? Sound a bit exotic. Can't comment I'm afraid. At least with beeswax, it leaves no residue, so if you put a light coat on it and don't like the way it doesn't affect the finish but softens and waterproofs :confused1, you can rest assured it'll wear off in a few months and leave nothing behind.
Get Some Overshoes! Not only will the salt stain your shoes, but it will also cause the shoes to wear out faster over time. Get some overshoes pronto for the rain and snow and salted sidewalks. Tingley, Totes, and Neos are popular brands of overshoes.
I was under the impression a good wax polish would seal up the shoe and make it more or less water-resistant?

That said, you shouldn't be walking around in the rain with dress shoes without overshoes.
Get Some Overshoes! Not only will the salt stain your shoes, but it will also cause the shoes to wear out faster over time. Get some overshoes pronto for the rain and snow and salted sidewalks. Tingley, Totes, and Neos are popular brands of overshoes.

QFE. Dress shoes should be kept clean and dry.

The white powder is residue. It should be wiped off with a damp rag asap. If your shoes are soaked, they should be dried as soon as you can. Don't use a heat source to accelerate the process since high heat is bad for leather. Stuff newspaper into the shoes and let them dry at room temperature.

You shouldn't wear leather dress shoes two days in a row. You should have at least two pairs that you can alternate so that the leather can fully dry out and rest between wearings. Use shoe trees.

Don't use mink oil on dress shoes. It will clog the pores of the leather, darken the color of the shoes and swell and weaken the stitching. It's only good for conditioning and protecting leather winter boots for harsh weather.

Saddle soap contains chemical solvents (not good). You should only use a damp rag to clean your shoes. If you have to use a cleaner, Murphy's oil soap is relatively gentle.

Beeswax has the best flexibility and breathability of the waxes. It's also the most expensive and least durable. Any good shoe polish containing Carnauba wax will be fine. The brand doesn't matter much since Sara Lee makes 70% of the shoe polishes sold in North America anyway (Kiwi, Esquire, Tana, etc.).

- Peter
I like Meltonian creams. Final shine is pretty darn good and they're a cream so they keep the leather supple. You can also alternate between cream and wax as a youtube video suggests.
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