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Shocked and Naive @ The Golden Nib

I have finally made my first visit to TGN. The prices are extremely reasonable. Can anyone attest to the quality of their brushes? I'd love to hear some comments on how they compare to the offerings from the big brush makers.

I got a 20mm XH finest bulb from TGN, put it in a $6 handle from whipped dog and it's my favorite badger brush, and it cost me $26 total....
I've purchased knots from TGN before (their super silvertip and their Grade A silvertip). I can honestly say that these are my absolute favorite brushes. Their customer service is great. Their shipping is fast. Their prices are low. Go for it!

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Yes, I will attest to the quality. IMO, the TGN XH finest bulb is one of the best knots available. Just behind the Shavemac D01, and Rooney Heritage line.

YMMV, but for the money, it's a great knot.
I purchased a boar knot and a badger knot from them when I decided to try my hand a making some brushes. Both were very nice knots. I only purchased the boar knot as a cheap practice run on my first brush but it turned out very nice.
I have also heard nothing but good things. Looking forward to purchasing a finest knot from them soon enough.
+1 on all the above props

For those of you who glue your own knots into handles, what glue do you use? I have some handles that need new knots.
+1 on all the above props

For those of you who glue your own knots into handles, what glue do you use? I have some handles that need new knots.

Marine epoxy. Just make sure to put just enough in the hole and a little on the knot that it won't overflow out of the hole. It will set very strongly and make sure to quickly clean any residue if it does leak out a little. Best of luck!
The TGN knots (and handles) are of exceptional value. This is the balance where price meats quality. Their Finest XH knots are my favourite.

+1 on all the above props
For those of you who glue your own knots into handles, what glue do you use? I have some handles that need new knots.

I use Clear RTV Silicone
Heard only good things about them. I ended up getting a whipped dog silvertip myself and Larry is also great to deal with and makes good brushes, but generally TGN's are considered to be somewhat better. YMMV.
I've purchased 2-3 knots to restore some brushes and had Tony make me a super silvertip brush in a briarwood resin. Love the brush and it was much cheaper than any of the big companies' offerings.

$Penchetta Briarwood 22mm Super Silvertip.jpg


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Yes, I will attest to the quality. IMO, the TGN XH finest bulb is one of the best knots available. Just behind the Shavemac D01, and Rooney Heritage line.

YMMV, but for the money, it's a great knot.

Glad to hear.

I have the 24mm XH FAN headed my way (just to mix up my collection, as I'm mainly a BULB guy) to put in my Vulfix 404 handle.
I have several TGN knots and as everyone here says, no better value for the money. Whether the best of the TGN knots compares favorably with the best from Kent, Simpson, Thater, Shavemac etc. is for me an open question. Of course, the best knots from the premium houses are 4 or 5 times the price of a TGN...at least.

On the one hand, there is a Thater in my future. On the other, I have a half dozen vintage handles waiting for new knots and I am sure not getting them from Shavemac. The will all be gifts and all have TGN knots.
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