Do you shine your own shoes? Or do you even shine your shoes?
When I was in high school all the way up until I got out of law enforcement I shined with KIWI or some other wax. Melting the wax, spit shining. This was good for those types of shoes.
I love a shined shoe. It's like a pressed shirt and a BBS face.
I don't spend as much time on my shoes now, couldn't really make THAT a hobby. But, I do shine them with this stuff I found. I like it because it is green/ safe. I'm a bit of an environmentalist.
There's a product just for leather dress shoes that you wipe on and let dry. Seems to work fairly well. I used it on my couch but it left it kind of tacky feeling. I use something else for the couch now.
Try them out. See what you think. Let me know.
What do you use now? I'm up for other suggestions too. I'd love to have a barber shop with a shoe shine in it. But, that's not around here so I have to make do with this.
When I was in high school all the way up until I got out of law enforcement I shined with KIWI or some other wax. Melting the wax, spit shining. This was good for those types of shoes.
I love a shined shoe. It's like a pressed shirt and a BBS face.
I don't spend as much time on my shoes now, couldn't really make THAT a hobby. But, I do shine them with this stuff I found. I like it because it is green/ safe. I'm a bit of an environmentalist.
There's a product just for leather dress shoes that you wipe on and let dry. Seems to work fairly well. I used it on my couch but it left it kind of tacky feeling. I use something else for the couch now.
Try them out. See what you think. Let me know.
What do you use now? I'm up for other suggestions too. I'd love to have a barber shop with a shoe shine in it. But, that's not around here so I have to make do with this.