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Shick Injectors


I was perusing the shaving section at a local supermarket to see if they had any Kiss My Face of Tom's of Maine to try out. Unfortunately, they did not. They did have injector blades though. So knowing I have a reasonable local source and thanks to the bad influence of this site, the thought of purchasing an injector razor has become very tempting. Even with the wiki on the site though, I know very little about them. What is the best model? What should I make sure the razor has before purchase? What is a fair price? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
This website has a pictorial history of all of the Schick models:


The Type E, and Type G are probably most common. Injectors range from quite aggressive (such as the Type I Hydromagic) to quite mild (such as the 1970's era Type L).

The most important thing to look for, is that the two pieces of the head are properly tensioned by the spring. The blade needs to fit snugly in the head, and have no movement.

Fair price is probably $10-$20 (depending upon model, and condition of course).
Thanks for the info, John. That was very helpful!

I found them at a local grocery store about five blocks away from my apartment. It's called Rainbow Foods. I think it was something like $7 for a cartridge. I figure if I can get blades while I pick up my milk, I might as well invest in an injector since they have intrigued me anyway!
Thanks for the info, John. That was very helpful!

I found them at a local grocery store about five blocks away from my apartment. It's called Rainbow Foods. I think it was something like $7 for a cartridge. I figure if I can get blades while I pick up my milk, I might as well invest in an injector since they have intrigued me anyway!

Don't know where you are located but if you have a Fred's store in your town, buy their injector blades. They are PTFE (teflon) coated and made by American Safety Razor company. Here at my local store, they cost $2.00 for a cartridge containing 11 blades.
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