I was perusing the shaving section at a local supermarket to see if they had any Kiss My Face of Tom's of Maine to try out. Unfortunately, they did not. They did have injector blades though. So knowing I have a reasonable local source and thanks to the bad influence of this site, the thought of purchasing an injector razor has become very tempting. Even with the wiki on the site though, I know very little about them. What is the best model? What should I make sure the razor has before purchase? What is a fair price? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
I was perusing the shaving section at a local supermarket to see if they had any Kiss My Face of Tom's of Maine to try out. Unfortunately, they did not. They did have injector blades though. So knowing I have a reasonable local source and thanks to the bad influence of this site, the thought of purchasing an injector razor has become very tempting. Even with the wiki on the site though, I know very little about them. What is the best model? What should I make sure the razor has before purchase? What is a fair price? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!