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Shaving Twice a Day

Does anyone else have to shave twice a day?

My beard grows fast. I can take a nice leisurely shower and shave in the evening and by noon the next day I have a pretty good "five o'clock shadow". Since my beard turned that nice shade of silver, it's a lot stiffer and it will irritate me around the collar of my shirt if it's not kept close shaven. I may have to interact with our customers too at any time during the day, so I like to look decent.

My routine is a quick shower in the morning to clear the sinuses and get some muscles relaxed to get some various pains under control. I used to shave then with my Norelco. I usually need another shower at night (work etc.) and I take a little longer shower to relax. Again, the Norelco usually got fired up. When I started wet shaving with the DE, it just worked out to shave at night. I had hoped that DE shaving, being much closer, would let me just shave once. While it has helped, I still find myself needing a shave the next day.

So.. I started doing a quick one pass wet DE shave in the morning. So far, so good.

Anyone else?
Do what? lol Joking comrade :)) I shave every other day, but again I am a stay at home dad for my two little ones so it aint exactly like i need to be clean shaven that badly, but they do rather like the non pokey dad lol always fun after a good shave thoguh my 2 yo daughter rubs my face and smiles lol. Hum I don't think my face could take twice a day, thats my thing though. More power to you friend.
When I used Fusion, I had to shave twice a day should I wish to go out in the evening. After starting the DE-shaving I'll get through a full day with one pass WTG and two days with four pass WTG-XTG-XTG-ATG. It's just so much closer shave.
When I used Fusion, I had to shave twice a day should I wish to go out in the evening. After starting the DE-shaving I'll get through a full day with one pass WTG and two days with four pass WTG-XTG-XTG-ATG. It's just so much closer shave.

I get a very close, almost BBS shave when I take my time in the evening. Three passes on most of my face and four passes on the rest.
I shave twice per day. I prefer to do two passes in the morning and another two after work. It works for me as my beard grows fast enough and I find it helps me get alert in the morning and rejuvenates me after work.
I have been getting such close shaves lately that I am wondering if I need to shave every day. 24 hours later and I am at DFS with very little growth to shave off.
Shaving 2 x a day works for me...early AM and then when I come home from work. I find a nice shower and shave helps me relax in the evening.
Big John,
I am in the same boat with you. I shower and shave in the morning to get myself feeling right for the day.
By the time I get home I need anthother session in the rain locker. I guess I really don't have to shave at night, but I have a course scruffy beard and I just sleep better without pricallys on my face. Not to mention the fact that my lovely little asian wife requires a clean face if there are to be any romantic interludes.
The good part is that where I live humidity is very low, so my shaving brush dries pretty well in 12 hours.(Hehe)
I shave twice per day. I prefer to do two passes in the morning and another two after work. It works for me as my beard grows fast enough and I find it helps me get alert in the morning and rejuvenates me after work.

Shaving 2 x a day works for me...early AM and then when I come home from work. I find a nice shower and shave helps me relax in the evening.

Big John,
I am in the same boat with you. I shower and shave in the morning to get myself feeling right for the day.
By the time I get home I need anthother session in the rain locker. I guess I really don't have to shave at night, but I have a course scruffy beard and I just sleep better without pricallys on my face. Not to mention the fact that my lovely little asian wife requires a clean face if there are to be any romantic interludes.
The good part is that where I live humidity is very low, so my shaving brush dries pretty well in 12 hours.(Hehe)

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was beginning to wonder if I was.

Shyrlock... The beautiful big boned Polish wife of mine likes my face smooth too!
There are days that I'm shaving twice a day, even with a straight or Feather razor you can see the stubble after 6 -7 hours. Have no problems with twice a day (had to shave like that for 30 years in the military). Besides it's some nice time for myself.
i only go for a work ready shave. clean and presentable but not BBS. coupled with the rate my beard grows I could potentially get two shaves a day but I prefer not to.
My Dad always taught me that if you're going out at night, to shave lightly (what we'd call a DFS) in the morning, then shave again before you hit the town.
Consider yourself lucky! I'm thinking of doing only a WTG twice a day just so I can use more combinations of razors, blades, soaps, AS, etc.
There are days that I'm shaving twice a day, even with a straight or Feather razor you can see the stubble after 6 -7 hours. Have no problems with twice a day (had to shave like that for 30 years in the military). Besides it's some nice time for myself.
How do you do this twice a day? I have a tough thick beard with seb derm underneath (a kind of inflammatory skin condition) and while daily shaves are okay the hair is still stubborn despite my impeccable prep and my slant razor. I've shaved twice a day a few times but my skin feels kinda raw as a result. Any advice? If I shave twice a day the shave is basically effortless. I'd like to but am not sure I can lol


Blade Biter
Paging @lasta the king of the double swing.

How do you do this twice a day? I have a tough thick beard with seb derm underneath (a kind of inflammatory skin condition) and while daily shaves are okay the hair is still stubborn despite my impeccable prep and my slant razor. I've shaved twice a day a few times but my skin feels kinda raw as a result. Any advice? If I shave twice a day the shave is basically effortless. I'd like to but am not sure I can lol

Haha, king of nothing, and no secret!

I only shave twice when my skin feels up to it and make sure pre-shave is up to par. IMO pre-shave hydrating is the single most important part of shaving, much more so than which razor/soap etc. 4 minutes of either continuous rinsing, pre-shave cream, or even canned foam will do, don't skimp on time.

I had 14 hours between my last two shaves yesterday, now about the start another one after 13 hours. But I admit, no way am I attempting 2 two-shaves days in a row!
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