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Shaving tips from Gillette

I saw it, but I don't believe it. At first I thought it was a joke. I guess some marketing guy said, "You know, we would sell more razors if people shaved more and an untapped area we could promote is . . ."

What is next, shave your pet commercials?
The best milk comes from shaved cows ads?
Then there is the fuzzless peach promotion.

Just a guy that shaves with his pants up,
"Trimming the bush to make the tree look taller"

Thus, the metrosexualization and infantilization of the American male continues...
Wow. Did this actually air on TV?

Wow...I was simply searching B&B threads for the old 1920's Gillette Shaving Guide pamphlet and stumbled on this thread. Advertising creativity, yes! This ad might go over well airing during Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network I think.:a14:
This wasn't ever on TV, it's web-only and came out around the time manscaping became a thing. There's a whole series of these things showing how to shave all your various body parts. They must have brought the Body razors out around the same time. There's definitely a market but I don't think it intersects much with the readers of this forum...... :lol:
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